Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Your Domain Name Is About To Expire

So I re-upped my blog name yesterday because it was going to expire tomorrow.  A friend told me I should go ahead and renew, if only because of the name. 

I haven't written here in... well... I didn't look before I started but I know it's been months.  I had pretty much quit this site already, inside my head.  But here I am again.

I don't write any more because what comes out is a bunch of petty, negative thoughts.  I never wanted to turn my blog into a whiny, crybaby blog because personally, I can't stand sites like that.  Sure, everybody has a bad day, week, or month and a little negativity is okay.  It happens.  Our blogs are ways to express ourselves and not writing the negative when the negative is prevalent would be silly.  But when every one of  your blog posts start out with the words or contain multiple uses of the words, "I hate...", then I recommend taking a step back from your life and asking yourself what gives.  I'm still asking myself that. 

I still write on occasion.  Bits and pieces of black, negativity that I have never published.  I thought about another blog.  Had the name for it, too.  A place where I could write the negativity away where I wouldn't have to worry about co-workers or my family and friends reading it and associating it with me.  But a life lesson taught me something a very, very long time ago... that if you don't want someone to know something, number one, you don't tell anyone else and number two, you NEVER write it down.  Then I thought about piecing together the bits and pieces of the ramblings of a raved lunatic in one blog post and figured I'd scare away the last one or two that still stopped by here.

I dunno.  The answer to the question is nothing.  Nothing has happened that has led me here.  I am not unhappy.  I like my life how it is.  It's grander than that.  It's the world.  Because it's Spring here in tornado valley, I turn the news on more frequently to watch the weather and inadvertently get subjected to what's happening in the world.  If you are normal and frequently watch the news, than you already must know how crazy things are getting!  And THIS is the reason I don't watch it.  It affects me. 

If... When I write again I can't promise cheerful and happy.  I will try to push the publish button, I promise. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't think of it as a blog; think of it as a cry for help. ;^P

Seriously though, I get that you are happy with your life. I think people buy into the idea that we should all feel like failures if our lives don't look like a beer commercial. We're all snowflakes, unique and fleeting; and inner happiness is unique to each of us. I say, keep listening to your soul, and give it whatever it wants.