Saturday, May 31, 2008


I wasn't going to post this video because it made me so mad yesterday when I watched it. Then I wasn't going to post this video because these girls don't deserve any more renown then what they have probably already received.

Then I decided that people needed to see how the majority of society thinks and the kinds of people I get to deal with on my job.

THIS is appalling! This is disgusting! This will disturb you.

Friday, May 30, 2008

I Was Thinking... Which Is Dangerous

So I'm lying in bed last night and my mind starts to wander, as it often does before I fall asleep... and I realize how expensive a hobby in computers could be. I classify a hobby as anything I very much enjoy doing, yet don't get paid to do. This blog is a hobby, yet I never expect to get a dime for doing it. But oh BOY could I spend some money doing it. For example... my NON Kitty Cam. Good news on that front, though! I think I've FINALLY figured out almost what needs to happen... I just need to do a leeetle more learning on the subject before I completely dive in... and that's just because of security issues.

My other hobbies are painting and gardening. I haven't gardened in a few years, and what I have done, (throwing some seeds in a flowerbed and hoping they will grow) doesn't constitute as gardening to me. To me, gardening involves getting out there and getting dirty, sweaty and sunburned. It's an ever expanding process that year after year makes your environment/home more and more beautiful as the years pass. I've just not done that here in this house. Some of it has to do with my iffy future... some of it has to do with my bad physical health... and there's a little sprinkling of past depression that turned my green thumb to just a regular thumb several years ago.

Painting has been a good hobby for me. I've slowly built up my paint supplies to a point where I don't really have to spend a lot of money on it any more. I enjoy painting very much, but I have to be in the mood to paint otherwise I just sit there and stare at nothing for an hour.

I doubt you have noticed, but it's been a while since I've posted any new pictures of my life around here. That's because I haven't taken any. That's because I've gone and done the most frustrating thing a person can do. I put something up, in it's own special place, so I wouldn't lose it, and then forgot where I put it. Namely, the extra batteries and battery charger for my digital camera. I had a place for it at one time (that drawer in the kitchen) then I went and did a little reorganizing and I can remember thinking it needed a new place besides the kitchen... I just can't remember where I decided to put it. Of course I keep going to the kitchen drawer to see if it decided to show up... but it hasn't.

So here's an old picture that I've titled, NOM NOM NOM:

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

End Of Another Season

ALL of the shows on TV that I watch are pretty much over for the season. David Cook won American Idol... Kristi Yamaguchi won Dancing With The Stars. Desperate Housewives over, Men In Trees, Samantha Who, The Bachelor... all over. I know it seems as if I watch a lot of TV, but if you notice, all these shows are ABC shows. That's because I found about a year ago and discovered Lost... who's season finale is Thursday. Before I found, I very rarely even turned on the TV except for occasional news and I was usually waiting on the weather report. Now, though, I watch all these shows... or did before they all ended for the season, at work. We may not have a TV to watch, but by golly we have the internet. And since there's not much for me to do while sitting in that room for 8 hours, has been a sanity saver. I'll probably be hitting my Netflix a lot more then I do now.

Speaking of Netflix... I watched a documentary called 'The Business Of Being Born'. If you are pregnant you need to watch this. If you are planning on becoming pregnant in your lifetime, you need to watch this. If you have had babies, you will want to watch this. If I had watched this before I was popping out people, my birthing experiences would be completely different. Although my daughter has claimed that "she will never squirt one of those out of HER vagina", (yes, that was an exact quote), I am going to make her watch it as well.

Weekend is officially here for me. Two and a half intense Kitty Cam days coming up.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Random Thoughts

My gas light came on in my car last night as I started out for work. I filled up my small compact car with the small compact gas tank and it STILL cost me $40 in the end. (pun intended) How is that even possible?

It's SO hot! I actually wouldn't mind the heat so much... it's the humidity that kills. It's so hot, that even when I have my air conditioner on and it' 75 degrees in here it's still hot. I think they call that radiant heat.

My cats are too hot to be much entertainment on the old non-existent kitty cam, so I don't feel so bad about ignoring it for the last two days. All they have done for a week is lay around.

I would like to have one whole night at work where a crazy person didn't call. Just one night.

I think I'm having a burn-out phase at work. It's a common thing to have happen to those of us in the workforce and can be more common with those who work in emergency services. I can only imagine what our military guys go through. It usually runs in two to three year cycles. And it will last for a couple of months and then things are fine again. I took another 3 day weekend last week and just having that one extra day was a very nice refresher. I don't like to take time off because when I'm not there, SOMEBODY has to be there and it causes the other girls to have to work overtime and I just hate that. We all pretty much have the same opinion about overtime up there. We really don't mind working overtime, we just would prefer not to. Sitting in a room for 8 hours is bad enough... sitting in a room for 12 hours is exhausting.

Oklahoma is getting pounded this year with tornadoes. Did you know that since 1950, every state in our nation has had a tornado?

Monday, May 26, 2008

Sorry Officer

Yes, we in this selected field DO know what you REALLY want to say when you get pulled over by an officer...

Contains some language.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Warning! This Post May Contain Strong Language!

So here's the deal. I know all I've posted about the last few times is about this camera. But it's taken over my ever waking moment and last night as I was trying to lay down before work, all I could think about were different things to try to get this thing up and running. I would say this post is going to be different, but it's not. So if you don't care to read about my woe-as-me camera adventures, my feelings won't be hurt if you just tune in tomorrow.

I know I have at least ONE reader out there whose job it is to "wrangle data". If you are reading this, please email me and let me know when we can schedule a phone conference because I am at my wits end.

For example... I spent a good deal of time surfing the web looking for some kind of software to use with this thing because I assumed that when I installed the configuration software, it installed everything. Just this morning I ended up on (that's the camera type's website) and it kept talking about opening up the software called IPview. What I discovered was that I had failed to install the software that was also on the installation disk. Duh! Unfortunately, I was quick to think that this would solve my problem for getting this thing online. I was wrong.

During my surfing experiences, I've visited many computer related sites. I've hit the message boards, the FAQS, everything. On a lot of these sites, it will ask for your computer experience... expert, moderate, novice. No where... NO WHERE was there a section for dumb-ass! Life is unfair.


In other news... I went to my son's performance yesterday at the Ridglea Theater on Camp Bowie. The doors didn't open at the time they said they would be open and by the time I got through the ticket line, his band was already on stage performing. I got to listen to the first couple of songs and finally got in as they were starting their 3rd song. I was sad I didn't get to SEE them preform all of their songs, but at least I got to listen to them. There were a LOT of people there. I think this was their biggest turnout yet.

Next to the Ridglea Theater on Camp Bowie there is a head shop. I haven't been in a head shop for 20 years. Curiosity got to me and I wandered in. I used to burn incense almost continuously at my other house and when I walked in it smelled SO good. So I bought some incense and now my house smells like a head shop.

It's SO hot! Not only was it 95 degrees yesterday... but there was 1000% humidity on top of it. It's only suppose to get to 92 today, though. What a relief! HA HA

Friday, May 23, 2008

It's All A Trap!

Funny... when I started out with the idea of Kitty-Cam I thought... purchase price of a camera and other assorted equipment would be all that I spent money on. That would be my biggest headache. But, oh my. That is so not reality.

Although there is TONS of information on the web about how to get a web cam live, none of that glorious information is exactly what I need. I have grabbed bits of info from here or there, put that info with other info I've gotten from other places and I sit here and put it all together and it still makes my head want to asplode.

Do they make Live Web Cams For Dummies? Lemme go check...

They had this:

But I already HAVE a camera and reading about this product, it is for people who want to chat live. But what I DID learn in the 5 minutes I was away Googling Live Web Cam For Dummies, is that whoever started that whole "For Dummies" series has GOT to be one wealthy SOB by now. You wouldn't BELIEEEEEEVE some of the things they have these books for now.

I actually have an original DOS For Dummies. That book helped me understand a lot during my early days of computing. I did find a HTML For Dummies and I might look into that. I need a trip to the bookstore. SEE? See how I'm being led down a road of buying stuff?

It's a trap I tell you!


I was wrong. There IS one:

Thursday, May 22, 2008

And Even MORE Updates!

I've gone all professional in my blogging career and have purchased me a DOT COM. The transition should be smooth enough, I hope, and I believe blogger will automatically redirect any traffic to my .com from its original place in cyber space and if you have any problems, PLEASE let me know.

Yes... this all because of the GREAT idea of putting up a web cam. Who suggested this headache, by the way????? I will have to go back and see. Surely *I* would not have thought of doing something so insane as to try this on my own!

There are some things in life I prefer to stay ignorant of. Coding html pages and learning about MAC, IP, DNS addresses and firmware? What the heck is firmware? Who NAMES these things? Ah... that's right... probably some pimply faced young Bill Gates whose sexual non-existence is projected into computers. Shame on me for being so discriminatory. My frustrations are showing. I apologize. But this is stuff I would prefer not to boggle my brain with. There is truth in the phrase, blissfully ignorant.

You know that list that women keep a mental track of, listing all the qualities of the PERFECT MAN? Yeah, well... I've recently added 'computer nerd' to mine. If it means an occasional Star Wars convention, I'm willing to compromise.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Update On The Last Update

Got everything connected and working. Camera works. Now I have to figure out how to make it so that YOU can see it, too.

I think I am going to put it up for the night, though. I haven't slept all day after working all night and my brain has quit processing information. Typing has become difficult as well. I'm tired. So very, very tired...

And Yet Another Update

The new router arrived a day early. After an hour and 28 minutes, from beginning to end, I am happy to report that it is up and running.

Time to work on step 2.

Being Single

1. Officially, my very first boyfriend was M. He asked me to be his girlfriend three days before 7th grade let out for the summer. He didn't call the whole summer. I don't think we even held hands for the three days we had left in school. I was probably around 14 at the time. I still talk to M on occasion, even to this day.

2. Next came P. He was my first "serious" boyfriend. I use quotes here because, really, how serious can one be at 15? The last time I talked to P was last Christmas because ironically, my brother is married to P's older sister.

3. Then there was M. I met M at church camp. M lived in Dallas. We were pen pals and phone pals (depending on how much we wanted to spend on long distance charges) and Six Flags pals. I adore M to this day. He knows it, though. I found him on MySpace a year or so ago and we are now email pals (when I'm not writing on here and using up all my words for YOU people). He's as gorgeous now as he was at 16. He will always be my tall, dark and handsome.

4. Next is S. S was not a nice person. I will never understand my affection for him. MySpace works both ways because he found ME on there. I didn't write him back.

5. J was after S and J will be in my life forever I suspect. He's a dear friend. I talk to him at least 3 times a week, usually. He is one of the very few people who know me inside and out... with nothing hidden. He is my BFF... for real.

6. I then married K. K is the father of my two children. To give you a time line here, I was 17 when I got married. I will never be able to say that it was a mistake that he and I got married, because he gave me the two greatest children of all time. He and I ended up being two very different people with two very different views of the world and our purpose in it. Since my daughter graduated from high school, I've only talked to him a couple of times.

7. Next came R. Sweet, boring R. Not much else to say here. It's been many, many years since I've talked to him. Zzzzz...

8. Let's see... that brings us to K. K was a bunch of firsts for me. He was the first blond guy I ever dated. He was the first police guy I ever dated. He was the first habitual liar I ever dated. He was the funniest guy I ever dated. After a couple of years of not talking after we broke up, he calls up to my work on occasion now and we'll share gossip and a few laughs.

9. Last of all... S. S broke my heart into a million pieces. S changed the course of my life. S managed to hurt my entire family. I have a very hard time remembering who I was back then... 4 years ago, now. Most of those years spent very bitter and very angry. I think I would probably throw up if I ever had to talk to him again.

Which brings me to the here and now and the revelations of my love life. There was little to no time between any of these boyfriends. For the last 4 years, there's BEEN only time, for the most part. I think I've made the remark before, though... the longer I am single like I am... the harder it is to imagine it any other way. And I'm okay with that. I truly am.

But let's say someone were to come up to me tomorrow and ask me, 'hey... if there was just one thing you missed about having a guy around all the time, what would it be?' And my answer is the reason I am sitting here writing about this now. I have this awful, awful pulled muscle in my neck and back and DARN what I wouldn't give for a man to be around right now to massage that thing out! At times it feels as if someone is stabbing me in the back. I've never had this before and the only thing I keep thinking is, if only I had a man around. But just long enough to make this feel better and out he goes again! Or then again... maybe if I place catnip at just the right points on my back...

Monday, May 19, 2008


Getting packages delivered to your home is like Christmas. Doesn't matter that you're the one that ordered whatever it is that has arrived... you still have to open it. And whatever it is, it's new. So it even smells like Christmas. Just wish I could afford more packages.

I ordered the new router. Not sure when it's going to be here. I'm thankful for the break between computer stuff. I'm already doubting my ability to get the camera up. Not looking forward to the struggle. It hurts my brain to think so much.

The weather bar on my computer says it's suppose to get up to 97 degrees today. I would say that Spring has had it's fill of us here and she's handing it off to Summer. I wish Spring would stick around longer... because I just can't seem to ever get enough of her. Which means the electricity bill will be skyrocketing again. I'm spoiled with how this house sits. Not having central heat or air has not even been an inconvenience since I've moved here. Lots of cross breezes and windows in all the right places to keep things cool. I tend to keep the lights off as well... not really to save power, but I prefer the ambiance of subtle lighting. At work, I'm the one who gets a comment a day from someone about how I work in a cave. I've worked in the dark for a long time.

Thanks to all who have signed my Verve Wall! I'll be stopping by your place soon to do a little graffiti on yours as well. If anyone wants or needs a new blog to read, there is a little clicky thingy on the right there that's called Verve and you can check out local blogs and other state blogs and other country blogs. It's kind of cool. I've already added several to my favorites that I read daily.

Now I'm off to have my daily dose of Fable before I lay me down to sleep.

Long days and pleasant nights... (sk)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Woe Is Me

Well... I'm at a loss. Totally and completely. I've read everything I can read, short of going crazy, about routers and how to set them up. I've learned more then I ever wanted to know about IP address', subnet masks, gateway IP address', etc. Last time I connected a router to my computer, there was not one single problem with it. And to think... I was worried about setting up the camera! Silly me. So I think what I'm going to do is just call a loss on this one and invest in a different brand of router, making sure they have a detailed installation CD, not the vague CD manual I got with this particular router. I've heard and read some good things about D-Link routers. Anyone got a better suggestion, I'm open to them all.

Last week my daughter and I went to lunch and then Target. I think I posted about that not too long ago. What I didn't mention, was our trip into Target's CD,DVD,computer games and XBOX isles. She said something about wishing she still had an XBox and I informed her that I still had it if she wanted it. She said heck yay! and we weren't sure if she still had the game Fable for the Xbox, so we grabbed one that was on sale for 10 dollars. We got home, found the Xbox, found the game Fable that she already had for XBox and then we noticed that the Fable game we had bought at Target that day, was for a PC, not the Xbox. Needless to say, I made the mistake of putting Fable on my computer and although I've been working really hard on trying to make my router work, when it comes down to it, I've probably played Fable longer then I worked on the router. It was a lot more fun and I'm NOT sorry!

It was the most unproductive weekend I have ever had, I think. I not only didn't get anything done... I got less than anything done. You would think that would be hard to do. It wasn't.

You know what smells worse then cat diarrhea?

Thursday, May 15, 2008


As of right now, I have an email to tech support just sent and am awaiting a reply. I've not gotten past the router stage which is the first stage. Sigh... I've eliminated all possible problems down to I must have a bad router. I'll see if tech support has any suggestions.

For anyone who has any knowledge of this, my problem is this:

Everything is connected. Everything is saying I'm connected to the internet. I've set up my network connections to obtain IP address and DNS server address automatically as instructed. Yet the status light on my router is flashing red and I can't connect to the internet. No where in their website for troubleshooting does it say anything about a flashing red light and what it might mean. Nothing in the user guide.

Any ideas? Email me!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Quick Evening Update

All of the components of the kitty cam that I ordered are now sitting in front of me. Just in time for my weekend! I've opened everything up, looked at it, and am totally confused now.

In 30 minutes, American Idol will be over and my attempts at this camera stuff will start. Glad I got a good day's sleep today... I will probably be up all night.

See you when I get this thing running!

Rainbows And Lemon Drops

Is there such a place where one can drive, that one does not have to be subject to the awful, awful drivers that are out there in droves on a daily basis? Is there? Because if there is, I want to move there. I'm going to move there. I used to think that my job was a big cause of my daily avoidance of people. Today on the way home from my job, I decided that it's the people I have to be on the same road with that has done it. I want to live in a happy world, where the angry and rushed people don't exist.


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Progress Report #2

Sorry I missed Mother's Day! Happy belated one to any mothers out there. Hope you had a most wonderful day.

My Mother's Day was a quiet one. I had worked the previous night, so I called my mom on the way home from work, got home, went to bed, woke up. I got a text message from my daughter and a phone call from my son with promises to do our Mother's Day later in the week when we are all off of work. They both had to work late. But my daughter came over after work and she had made me a card. (The best cards are ALWAYS the handmade ones) And she warned me I would probably cry when I read it and probably should read it after she left, but I read it any way and sobbed like a baby right in front of her. I know all mothers think their kids are the best in the world, but mine really are... and even though we don't live together any more, there is STILL not a day that goes by that I don't think about how unbelievably blessed I am by my kids. They have molded me into who I am as much as I have molded them. They flew from my nest with trepidation, but with a courage that I have never possessed. They have seen places I have never seen, they have done things I have never done, and they have taken life by the horns 20 years younger then I did. They are my heart.

Yesterday I stepped on the scale. Yesterday marks the day I reached my first goal on this road I decided to start traveling on March 5th. Yesterday, I can officially report that I have lost 34 pounds. The easiest 34 pounds I have ever lost, by the way. Eating more food then I have ever eaten in my life, by the way. Which proves that it's not really how much you eat, but WHAT you eat. Granted, portion control is something I do, but I don't really worry too much about it because of WHAT I eat. Me, the lazy one, doesn't like the whole measure this and measure that. I am a chronic guesstamater, and it seems as if I'm pretty good at it.

And although I'm NOT going to let the scale rule my life, I can't help but be overjoyed at what it told me yesterday. And even though I was quite excited when I first started this journey, I'm even more excited about the coming months ahead.

I'm having thoughts like, what if I had started this a year ago... where would I be now? What if I had started this 3 years ago? 5? I answer those questions with, I'd be in the same place I am now because I was just not ready a year ago, or 5 years ago. I SHOULD have been... but I just wasn't. I'm glad, though, that I am now.


Does anyone know what these are called?

Friday, May 9, 2008

Mommy Bloggers vs Bulletin Board Systems

I guess because it's almost Mother's Day, there has been an enormous amount of talk about "Mommy Bloggers" in the news media the last couple of weeks. They even had an interview on the Today show with one of the bloggers that I read on a daily basis yesterday. And I think the most asked question about blogging in general is, "why do you do it?". I've been asked this as well. I can't speak for anyone but myself in answering this question, but here are some of the reasons *I* blog.

Unlike a lot of bloggers who have given their reasons for blogging as, "connecting with similar groups of people with the same interests", my connecting doesn't have anything to do with wanting to meet new people. I can't say it won't ever happen since there are lots of "blogging meetings" going on. But for now, I'm happy with the 2 or 3 people who stop by here ever so often.

A long time ago (early 90's) in a land about .8 miles away from where my fat butt is sitting right now, there was the beginning of the computer craze for me. Back then, computers were still pretty rare in households, but it was just starting to become affordable for people to have them in their homes. They were already in our workforce pretty heavily, but they were used for word documents and DOS (also known as MS-DOS) was understood by many in the computer field. I had a few nerdy co-workers that were very much into computers and they kept me entertained by telling me stories of computer bulletin boards. It wasn't long before my interest was peaked and I purchased a used 286 for myself. 286 stands for the processing speed of the computer. Not being a complete nerd and only having a semblance of computer knowledge, I'm not sure EXACTLY what a 286 processor stands for, other than really freaking slow compared to what my fat butt is sitting in front of now. Keep in mind, this was before Windows, before AOL. When I turned on my computer, I saw a black screen and a green C:\ with a little green flashing line for me to type in my DOS command. My computer didn't have a mouse. There was no need for one. But this computer that I bought DID come with a dial up modem. With that modem, I was able to enter in phone numbers to connect with other computers that had a bulletin board system available for my entertainment. My computer would connect, and I would be greeted with high ASCII art and a menu where I could either go play games (Legend of the Red Dragon was VERY popular) or go and post a message in one of the categorized message boards available. All the BBSs that I visited were local, because anything not local added up long distance charges. I was so fascinated by this, that I thought I would try and run a BBS on my own. So I upgraded my computer to a used 386 and I purchased my first 14.4K modem. Again... compared to today, VERY slow computer, VERY slow dial up modem. But at the time, they were rockin'. I opened 'Rosabella's Cafe', complete with several games, lots of different categorized message areas and some really cool ASCII art that I made myself. I became a SysOp (system operator) and in BBS land, SysOps were Gods. I had a dedicated phone line and all!!

For you youngin's out there, you must remember, this was NOT AOL. Only one person at a time could be on a BBS. They eventually made it where you could have up to 4 people at a time on, but that came out right before Windows and AOL, and once AOL was introduced to the world, BBSs quickly became extinct. Mine never progressed past the one person at a time. The common practice was to add about 10 to 15 BBS phone numbers that you liked to visit often in your dial-up queue. That way, when one was busy, your modem would automatically hang up and skip down to the next number in your queue and dial that one, and so on until one would connect. You would connect, play your Red Dragon (you were allowed a set number of moves each day), hit each of the message boards and read what had been posted and post your own comment and then move on to the next BBS on your list.

Sparing you as much geekiness as possible, I'll move on.

Growing up without much technology, I was just amazed at this technology where I could get "online" and leave a message and come back the next day and have my message answered by a complete stranger. These were such simpler times and the art of being funny in written word was a talent only a few had. There were no LOLs yet. BTW and BRB were things that didn't exist in BBS land. You typed out what you wanted to say and when you actually WERE laughing out loud, you used: hehehe or hahaha or HAHAHA depending on how hard you were laughing. (If any of you that I write email to have seen me do this, this is where it came from). Anyway... there became a tight knit group of these BBSers and I had quite a few people who visited almost daily and because I had co-workers doing the BBS thing as well, we would pass each other's numbers on and everybody pretty much knew who Fudpucker, Cool Cat, Crash, Rosabella and so on were. And eventually, someone (NOT ME) decided it would be SO cool to meet these faceless people (don't forget, there were no digital pictures yet. There was no passing on a pic to someone)that we had befriended in cyber space. I actually chickened out on this meeting, but one of my co-workers didn't and it wasn't long before these faceless souls ended up at my workplace. And I was shocked. I remember Cool Cat because he was SO funny online. I had this picture in my head of what he looked like and when I met him, he was the exact opposite of what I had pictured him. He was about 4'11", round and pimply faced. Exactly what you would THINK a computer nerd would look like. There were several others that I met that night and I was as shocked by each and every one of them. It was a sudden realization that one just never knows who one could be talking to in cyber space.

Not long after this unwanted meeting, computers started to get faster and faster. You seriously could buy the most up to date computer technology and in a few months time, something better and faster was coming out. Windows was born, then AOL. Once AOL came out, calls to BBSs dwindled to pretty much nothing and quickly died. I got Windows 95, got me my AOL account, got a 28.8k modem (I laugh at this now) and so was born a new era of technology. And I was SO hooked.

My interest waned for a few years but during this time, email became more common then a phone call to friends and family, Instant Messaging was born and I never really got into chatting because it was always some guy saying perverted things and it got old really quick for me. Even now, unless it's someone I know, I don't chat. New and better and faster computers are still being made and computers still fascinate me, even though I know a lot less about them now then I once did.

Time passed and my kids were teenagers and then I learned of MySpace. Being a responsible parent, I wanted to know more about my children's lives outside of the home and I commenced spying. I opened a MySpace account. I learned a bit about them by spying, but for the most part, I found nothing that caused me too much alarm.

More time passed and circumstances left me where I was about 2 years ago. Which was a single empty nester with a house full of cats. I had a brand new computer and I got bored and just started searching the big WWW. I got more into MySpace and found a few old friends (waving at friends) and somehow I ended up on a blog called Ransom Note Typography. I have no idea how I found it, but I started reading this guy's blog and it was funny! He's a computer guy (Jon Deal) that lives in Utah with his wife and four kids (Deal Family Compound) and he writes about them and sometimes his job, but the WAY he writes about his life is just hilarious and I couldn't stop reading. Then I started reading blogs that he reads and so on and so on where I have about 15 different blogs I'll hit on a daily basis right now.

So I started thinking... I could do this. It might be fun to do this. Why NOT do this? I kind of sort of was blogging on MySpace, but I just never really got that into it over there. Maybe blogging is more of a grown up thing to do, even though there are many kids blogging as well. Maybe MySpace just has too many bells and whistles. I'm not sure and I can only go by the fact that I enjoy blogging here more then I ever did on MySpace. I'm not bashing MySpace. At all. I mean, how can I bash something that got me in touch with lost friends (waving at lost friends again)?

So La La... why blog at all? What is the point? Why are you going on and on about crap I don't care about? Well... since you asked. I blog because I can. I blog because the internet world fascinates me as much now as it did in the early 90s. I blog because it's a form of artistic impression. I blog because I'm a terrible pen pal and instead of having to write each one of my friends a separate email, they can stop by here and catch up on my life and let's face it, we all knew some reference to my laziness would appear somewhere in my answer. I blog because I enjoy writing yet have no desire to write a book. I blog because maybe someday, by accident, someone will come across all these words that I've written and keep coming back to read more because 'that gal that lives in Texas is SO funny'! I blog because everyone else is SO tired of hearing about what my cats did that I thought was funny.

I blog because, seriously, where else can I babble on about something that only needed that last paragraph to answer the original question, yet somehow I was able to make this one post 125 pages long...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

This Is Why I Would Get A Treadmill

Wrong Again

So when my switcher arrived and the actual camera did not, I got online and I guess I need to go back and learn how to read. The camera hasn't even shipped yet. I'm very sad because I was really looking forward to setting it up on my days off. Now I'll actually have to go do something constructive. How fun is THAT going to be?!

Only slept a few hours last night. Went to bed late, got up WAY early... now I'm sitting here drinking coffee wondering how much maintenance I'm going to have to do to the lawn mower when I mow today. Oh, yes, folks. I AM mowing today. When my neighbor across the street from me mows, I sit and watch and have great envy towards his super cool lawn mower that goes about 40mph and makes 180 degree turns with ease. But MY lawn mower has character. And LOTS of it! I have about 3 and half hours to think about that character before I mow.

The school year is pretty much over for my kids. I think my son has one more final and my daughter has a couple with her last on Friday. She's coming into town afterwards and we are going to do lunch to celebrate another year over. This will be the end of my daughter's second year of college and the end of my son's fourth year of college. My how time flies...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008



Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Anger Managment

I was wrong about kitty-cam. It was saying it was shipped on April 28th when, in reality, it was put on hold for some reason. But it started to move this morning at 0126. Scheduled to be delivered tomorrow. And that's good for my sleep.

I left my phone at work this morning. Being without a phone actually hurts. I guess 'cause I know the one time I don't have my phone is the one time I'm really going to need it.

My female monthly anger issues are/were out of control last night. Then I'm all happy when I finally get to walk out the door and on the drive home all that anger seemed silly and I start to feel bad about being angry in the first place... until I realized I had left my phone at work. Then all that anger seemed right again.

On my way to the highway after leaving work, I have to drive up this one kind of long road. There's a few housing additions, but on one side there's a continuous row of those big, silver, metal, electrical towers. We had storms moving in this morning and it was so humid you could actually see the moisture in the air. I had my window down and as I passed each one of these towers I could hear a very distinctive bzzzzt electrical sound. It was the same sound with each tower that I passed and since I had just left work and I had not yet found my phone missing, I was in a happy place and the sound of each one of those bzzzzts took me back to the house I was born in and lived until I was 17. We had this huge field behind our house and we had those towers out there and any time it drizzled like this morning, they would make those same sounds. But then I started making the bzzzzt sound out loud because I do stuff like that when I'm alone, and it made me think back to that same time when my Mom and I would watch Godzilla and King Kong, or Godzilla and some other different kinds of monsters, and my Mom and I would sit there and one of us would make that bzzzzt sound and the other would go RAWR or any other noise those other monsters would make and I can remember laughing SO hard about that. Then I thought of 'The Killer Tomatoes' and 'Swamp Thing'. Right about then I thought about calling my mom to see how far away the storms were and THAT'S when I discovered my phone missing.

This happens every time I bring a bag of cat food home and wait to put it up:

Monday, May 5, 2008


I think that next time they have a census, there needs to be a box that all schizophrenics must check so we can keep up with this total. We'll just tell them if they don't check the box that secret government officials will start to follow them.

I'm really not trying to make fun. But I'm really worried about society and how many people seem to be affected by this. Last night was schizophrenia night. Don't know why, but they all seemed to crawl out of the wood work and call me last night. There are some seriously demented people running loose in our cities! People! You just DON'T KNOW! And it never fails that when we have to deal with these kinds of people, all of them have quit taking their medication. I think that should be grounds for immediate hospitalization. Why are the families not paying closer attention? If I had a loved one who suffered from this, I would be watching them like a hawk. If you've never met anyone with this, or if you've never talked to any one with this, all I can say, is that it's just downright scary. What they are experiencing goes way beyond anything I will ever be able to comprehend. I understand depression... I understand bi-polar, I can even understand those with severe OCD. 'A Beautiful Mind' is tame compared to what some of these people are going through.

Monday morning rush hour traffic is evil. It is dark, bad, demented, perverted, black, vicious, deadly, malicious... and any other bad words that you can think of that makes you want to go home and pack your bags and move far, far away.

It's okay folks! It's just PMS. This should pass soon enough.

The rest of the kitty-cam should be delivered today! Yay! No sleep for the next few days!

Does video count as a picture? Hmmm...

Can't Quit Laughing!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

I Can Has Tape?

humorous pictures

Saturday, May 3, 2008

This Is Caturday

Friday, May 2, 2008

A Photo A Day For The Month Of May

Other bloggers like to do different themes together and I did the NaPoBloNo (or something similar) in November for National Post on your Blog every day for the month of November. There's other little things others have done since then that I just didn't care about doing. But I can do a picture a day... I think.

Here's some possible kitty-cam mounting perspectives:

Thursday, May 1, 2008

In A Pickle

Why does Jynxy look so scared in this picture?

Because he found out that doing this

wasn't nearly as fun as it looked when the girls half his size were doing it.

This was about a week ago. He's not done it since. :-)