Saturday, May 30, 2009

Neighbor Stuff

My next door neighbors, the ones closest to my bedroom window, are having a play date today. I believe they have two little girls... maybe 2 and 4 years old. On occasion I will hear them outside playing. They aren't very loud at all and it's actually kind of a soothing sound. Makes me think of when my kids were that young. I would occasionally step outside and look into the window where they were playing video games together. (My son never tiring from kicking any of our butts in whatever game he was playing) It was a quiet moment for me and an interesting point of view for me to be able to watch them interact without them knowing they were being watched. Listening to the little girls play outside is nice.

At the other house that I lived in a few year ago, they had twins (a boy and a girl) who were about 6 or 7 when I moved, and they had an older sister who was about 10 or 11. Geez those kids would scream. They were home schooled and every single day they would be outside when it was at least half way decent and their piercing screams would shatter the entire neighborhood's quiet solitude. Now I get to listen to my mom gripe about it. :-)

Play date today includes the two little girls and about 4 others and they are NOT quiet at all. Then the parents are all out there talking and laughing as well. And there's really no point to this post, like so many others before it. I'm not really complaining because when I finally decide to go to bed I'll be turning on my air conditioner so I won't even hear them. They aren't even annoying me. I guess it's just different noises than what I'm used to hearing and I've not posted a lot lately and my life IS this boring where I have nothing to talk about except the neighbor's play date.

I'm boring. I'm not ashamed to admit it.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Table For Three

Had a wonderful lunch on Thursday with my daughter and her boyfriend. It's cool to just have a random lunch from time to time. My kids are the best. My daughter and her boyfriend were going to pay, but I snatched up the bill because I just don't get to do that very often. Seriously... my kids are the best.

K and J sitting across from me at Mi PuebloI watched Hancock earlier. During the first 15 minutes I thought it was going to be a pretty stupid movie, but I quickly got sucked in and I thought it was pretty enjoyable. Having NetFlix, I quickly learned that there are quite a few movies out there that are SO bad and not entertaining in the least. But the ones that are really good, make up for the others in the long run. NetFlix rocks. Plus it's SO much cheaper than cable or satellite. I'm sure I've raved about it before.

Back to work tonight. Funny how I'm not in the least upset about that. Can't go so far as to say I'm looking forward to it, but it's something to do. All you normal hourly working people, enjoy your weekend.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lawn Care

We had a cool front push through over night. It was a beautifully crisp morning. I was going to mow so's I could get it out of the way before my days off officially started, then I saw that my neighbors are getting a new roof (I'm so jealous!) and I have a hard enough time dealing with the cars that drive by and see me mowing, I don't need a bunch of men up on a roof ogling me, because it doesn't matter how fat and ugly you are, men just do that and it's worse when they are in groups.

Complex, you say? Oh, yeah. I've got several. I'm the kind of person who walks in a room full of people and does her best not to be noticed. As I walk through a milling crowd I'm constantly thinking like a Ninja and repeating to myself, "BE invisible... BE invisible." But someone invariably looks my way and I realize quickly that the freaking force was not with me again.

And then, about an hour later, a nice young man came to my door and asked a very silly question. "Hi, do you need your lawn mowed?" I opened my screen door, took a look see at the jungle that was out there, looked back at the nice young man and thought, DUH, but said, "Yeah... kind of looks like I do." I thanked him for his concern about my weeds but declined his offer of help.

They better be done with that roof by the end of the day. I think I've seen the Code Enforcement guy stalking my house again.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I Had To

Because NOT posting this would just be a tragedy...


Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

To all those that have served, that are serving now, and will serve in the future...

You are my heroes.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

National Drive Like Shite Day

Yeah, I KNOW! I didn't know it was today either!

Here's the rules:

1. While driving on the highway, only go two speeds. 50mph or 75mph.
1a. If you are driving 50mph and someone starts to pass you, be sure you notch it up to 75 at that point in time... just because that's the way you roll.
1b. If you choose to drive the 50mph choice, always, ALWAYS make sure you are driving next to someone in the opposite lane who has also chosen the 50mph speed.

2. Never, under ANY circumstances, use your blinker.

3. Do not stop at stop signs.
3a. If you accidentally make a complete stop, make sure you time it just right so that when you pull out in front of someone you either make them swerve to avoid hitting you, or you make them slam on their brakes.

4. Same as number 3 but at all red lights you happen upon.

5. Find someone to tailgate. Doesn't matter who. Could be someone driving 75mph or 50mph. It's your choice!
5a. Preferably, find someone who is stuck behind the two cars that are side by side doing 50mph because by tailgating THAT person, you will make ALL the traffic start to move faster, especially the car in front of them.

6. Change lanes as much as possible. Don't forget to NOT use your blinker!

7. Do not let ANYONE enter the freeway. If you see someone driving up the on-ramp, it's YOUR job to speed up and block them.

8. Choose the time you want to clean out your vehicle to be the same time you are driving on the freeway, because you don't let Texas mess with you.
8a. Be sure to flick your lit cigarettes out of your car window, especially during high fire times, which in Texas is 365 days a year.

9. The faster that you drive between red lights, the better, because let's face it... we all KNOW you want to be the first one there.

10. Do not follow any other traffic law that I did not mention above. This includes, but is not limited to: Yielding... to anyone for any reason, maintaining a single lane (Hey! It's Memorial Day weekend! We have to start our drinkin' early... YA'LL), taking the time to look before you change lanes, etc., etc.


Friday, May 22, 2009

It's A Migraine Morning

Woke up EARLY with a pounding headache. It might be directly caused from my boredom that sent me to bed so early last night and had me sleeping almost 9 hours. But then again, the more likely cause of my extended sleep and having a migraine is the loverly PMS that I am lucky enough to still get to experience each month. Although... you realize don't you... we both got cheated last month because of my face. Did you know steroid shots can make all that monthly stuff go away? I didn't. Until last month.

I was at my parent's house yesterday doing laundry and keeping their cats company while my parents are out traveling the world. While I was there, I wandered into their living area and sat down in a chair to pet Maggie.

A solid black Maggie showed up a little over 3 years ago while I was still living at that house. I called her Mama because it looked as if she were nursing some kittens somewhere. When I moved, Mama stayed, and my mom eventually brought her in and gave her a home and re-named her Maggie. And now we all know where I get my cat fancying from, although my mom will deny this.
I happened to glance over and saw this book called '90 Minutes In Heaven'. I picked it up and started reading.

I told myself when I first started this blog that I would never talk about religion. There are several reasons for this. The main one being, people are funny about what they believe in, and I don't mean funny ha-ha. I find the closed minded-ness of most Christians (MOST, not ALL) stifling. The whole, it's OUR way or NO way attitude is probably the most un-Christian thing I've ever witnessed. I was told as a young child one Sunday morning during my Baptist Sunday school that if I did not attend church, I was going to hell. Period, end of story. At the time, neither of my parents attended church and all my 12 year old mind could comprehend was that my parents did not go to church and my mom is nicer than some of YOU people and there's no WAY she's going to hell. I knew they were wrong.

Over the too many years since, I've had the chance to study several different religions. Far from all of them, though. In a very brief amount of time I quickly discovered that it doesn't matter what you call your God... your higher power... it all comes down to the same darn thing. The ending. What happens when we die. Where we go when we die. And most all of them will tell you that "this" way is the "only" way to get "there".

So you may be wondering what it is that this crazy cat lady believes in. Or not. And I really don't think in the amount of time that this post will be written that I could fully list, or make you understand, the what and the why I believe the things that I do. It's like, a hundred different posts or more to probably make anyone understand... including myself. But I will give you a few insights... just because I know you are too curious for me not to. I just feel like breaking the rules this morning and yes, it's because of that book that I randomly picked up yesterday.

I am NOT an atheist. I believe in a higher power. I was raised to call that higher power God and I still do to this day and will refer to him/her/it as such in this post.

I believe God put into motion, life. I have seen with my own eyes the scientific evidence of evolution in animals and plants alike. We had dinosaurs. We had cro-magnon man and lots and lots of evidence of animals and plants since that time and before. My personal theory, and one that I have never seen written in any book, is that God set into motion life and from that, evolution happened and here we all are. I'm still not sure about the whole evolving from fish theory, though. And I'm not so sure that life started here on what we call Earth. In my mind, it is not so far-fetched to wonder if life started in another universe and landed here somehow.

Skipping ahead a few years...(ha ha) I believe there was a man named Jesus... or what modern times and language translates into Jesus. I believe Jesus was a great man, a wise man, a kind and generous man. I think Jesus knew what life was supposed to be all about. Kindness, generosity, love, happiness, family, equality for ALL people no matter their color, race, or monetary status. And I believe this is why he was persecuted. I think he was spreading this love and a lot of people started jumping on board with what he was saying and the guys (The Romans?) with the power (The money?) got pissed and said, "Well... we'll just see about THAT!" I believe he was able to spread his beliefs to enough people, that he became "famous" enough to be written about by a whole lot of other people.

I believe that no matter what religion you follow, you are not in the wrong, unless you believe your religion is telling you to kill or hate other people for believing differently than you.

You may be saying at this point, "But crazy cat lady! What about the miracles that are written in the Bible about Jesus?" Well... I don't dispute what is written in the Bible. But I also know that there are things in the Bible that have been lost or misconstrued during translation. I believe that no matter the things that were written about then, there's just more to this story than what even the most scholarly can tell us. I believe there is more to life and death then our tiny human minds can even begin to comprehend and stories are told through the eyes of the one who writes them.

There have been too many people who have been pronounced dead and who come back from that death to tell of their experience with most stories being (coincidentally???) similar. There have been too many people who have claimed to have seen UFO's, also (coincidentally???) similar. I am one of those people. There are too many people who have claimed to have seen a ghost. There are too many people who recount stories of experiences of things that are impossible to explain with what we know as "real". Why do we only use half our brain? What would happen if we used ALL of it? How does one begin to explain idiot savants?

In a nut shell... I believe life, and death, is far more than what meets the eyes. I believe that when my living body dies, there is another journey ahead of me. I believe that if you live your life through kindness and generosity, that kindness and generosity will surround you. I also believe that if you cheat and lie and are generally a mean person, that this is what you will be surrounded by. I believe that if there were just one rule we all should live by, it should be: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And even then, you'll have the sadists to worry about.

I don't have the answer to the big question. Why are we here? The simple and undeniable fact is, we just are. I think if we close our minds to the sheer magnitude of all that is possible, not just what we know to be real, we are cheating ourselves out of a big part of what it means to be here at all.

This post is WAY longer than I intended when I started and doesn't even begin to explain where I really stand on things and why. Again, I think it would take a lot of blog posts to explain myself fully and I seriously doubt I would have any readers left if I were to try, that is, if I have any left after writing what I just did, which really wasn't that much.

Walk in love. Plant a seed and watch the miracle of life first hand. Look at your children and see the miracle of life first hand. Be at peace with your life and everything that has sucked, because it's all part of the journey. It's okay to be sad when we lose a loved one, no matter how they are lost. Just remember how wonderfully glorious it was to get to experience the love in the first place and be thankful that you will carry that love the rest of your days.

I don't have a headache any more. I think I'll go finish that book now.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Various Things

Been having some computer issues. I was fearful that my graphics card had burned up, then I started thinking about the update I did about 3 days before my computer started acting weird and thought I'd just try going to the NVIDIA website first before giving up all hope. I updated my driver(s) and things are better than they were before. I seriously have no idea what setting I had it on previously, but now things are WAY crisp and clear. It's like going in and getting glasses for the first time. You come away going, "Man! I had no idea things were suppose to look like this!"

Dancing With The Stars and American Idol are now over and done with for the season. These have to be two of my favorite shows. I, like so many others, predicted Adam Lambert would win American Idol. Kris Allen won, though, and I have to say, I think I'm kind of glad. Although Adam has such unbelievable talent, and the confidence to go with it, Kris was always kind of shy and never went into the competition expecting to win. He was shocked. He was blown away. It was a pretty cool thing to see.

My son, who's been living with his Dad for the last three years, is moving into his first apartment June 12th. He's VERY excited. For more reasons than I'm allowed to disclose at the moment. I'm excited for him, too. The sad part is, since both of my kids have moved to their new store which is located in Coppell, and my son's apartment is located within walking distance to this store, neither of them will be living OR working in Tarrant County any more. I say it's sad... it's not really. I'm very proud of their success. And they still come visit their old mama.

I had two dreams that I remember last night. The first was that the code enforcement guy stopped by my house to measure my grass length. I shut the door when I saw him get out of his truck with a ruler. This dream tells me it's time to mow, regardless that I JUST mowed, because I was noticing yesterday it doesn't even look like I have recently. Lots of rain and sunshine lately.

The second dream was that I woke up to an earthquake. The only thing I can think of that made me dream this was a cat might have been walking around on my bed while I was sleeping... mainly, my hefty Jynxy. My hefty Spazz is rarely allowed up on the bed. Not by me, but by Jynx. He doesn't mind the girls up there, but he does NOT like Spazz up there.

Lastly, I'm currently learning how to edit and storyboard my vids and pics. As soon as I complete one, you will be the first to see! Can't seem to figure out how to import my music from ITunes though. But I WILL!

Have a gloriously wonderful day.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Time To REALLY Move?

So I was at work last night... which sucked because not only were we pretty busy last night and the night before and I'm so freaking tired of hearing 911 ring I could spit, but it was a 12 hour shift for me as well which made me extra tired and cranky and all I could think about was coming home and having about 4 shots of Vodka, except I haven't drank in about 3 years and really have no desire to now except I'd really like that calm relaxy feel you get once you start getting a buzz, which for me takes about 10 seconds after my first drink so I think I'll just go smell my stash that's about 5 years old now... anyway, one of our water department guys was up there waiting for Oncore to come out and he told me that Euless, Texas had an earthquake yesterday morning which is part of the "Mid-Cities" and in case you don't know, it's part of a group of cities in my area and I live in one of the group that it describes. In other words, it was close. I'm all WTF and you HAVE to be lying, but sure enough I Googled it and there it was. Google also brought up October 31st, 2008 in which a previous earthquake had happened around the Euless and Irving areas. Never heard about that one.

I'm sure the California people feel about Tornadoes the way us Texans feel about earthquakes. We both think each is crazy to live where we do. In the October of 2008 article I read, it talked about the possibility of the gas drilling in the Barnett Shale(which has been hot and heavy the last few years in this area) could have had something to do with it.

Yesterday's earthquake was only a 3.3, but in my opinion, .000000001 is too much. Yeah, I know... craps moving around all the time and I just don't notice it and I'm okay with not noticing it. Ignorance is bliss, remember? But I don't know what the heck to do if an earthquake were to strike. I would probably freeze in my tracks and start crying. I can at least see a storm coming which gives me plenty of time to hide in my closet with my pillows, panic, cry and be relieved when the danger has passed. I like having warning. They don't have earthquake sirens around here, but I have a nice big tornado siren across the street. Here... I'll go take a picture of it.

Guess what? I got a good picture, but Blogger is not letting me upload any pictures at the moment, so that will have to wait for another day. I'm tired and I don't feel like messing with it right now. But trust me. I have one right there!

Anywhoo. Earthquakes suck as bad as my job has the last two nights. Don't matter that I've never felt one. Don't want to. But if I do, I might have to move.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Better Late Then Never

So my kiddos took me out for mother's day last night. I got to meet my daughter's new boyfriend and I absolutely adore him. He emits kindness from his pores. And me, always a sucker for brown eyes, can see very easily how my baby girl could get lost in those eyes.

I shared my motherdom with my son's girlfriend's mom last night at dinner as well. Very nice lady. I would love to meet the rest of her family. My son's girlfriend is so pretty and she is as nice as she is pretty. And you just have to love a girl that will talk openly at dinner about her nervous toots.

It was nice to take some time out and just sit with my kids. I love to sit back and watch them interact with their significant other. There could be no better mother's day gift then to see your kids happy... although the gift card from Home Depot will come in quite handy soon and that's always nice as well.

My face went and healed itself. I won't go into the gory details, but I will say that all the bad stuff that was in my face, exited my face through a means I did not expect and I was better in a matter of hours after leaving my doctor. This second episode of pain face was probably caused by the original sinus infection, but ended up not being a sinus infection this second time around. I'll still be taking the antibiotics, though... just to make sure this stuff is good and gone.

Work is crazy. They fired another dispatcher last night. That one girl I was training about a month ago didn't make it either, but I don't think I ever updated you here on that. So now we'll get someone new to train all over again. I don't know if they have any prospects already or not. Whoever they hire... my biggest wish is that they have previous experience. If not that, I wish for someone who learns exceptionally fast.

Monday, May 11, 2009

What I Did

Yesterday, on Mother's Day, I mowed my grass. During the mowing process, I mowed over hundreds of Lady Bugs and honey bees. Normally, I don't pay that much attention to what I'm running over but on my first go around of the yard, I almost ran over a baby bunny. From that point on I was terrified of running over it's siblings so I was paying extra special close to what was in the yard. I saw three little bunnies. Luckily, even though they are impossible to see, especially in thick morning dewed weeds and grass, they DID move just enough for me to see where they were. I went extra slow so it took twice as long as normal. And I ended up mowing around the baby bunnies and now have 3 unmowed patches that make it look like I did a crappy job. I wanted so badly to scoop them up and save them but I know how nature works and I left them in their tall patches of grass to be rescued by their momma later... I hope. It's raining now, so hopefully they found some dry shelter amongst the weed gardens yesterday and when I drove in this morning, I saw nothing dead in the roadway.

While I was mowing very slowly, I saw so much more going on in my yard aside from overgrown weeds. I saw the most beautifully colored flowers. They were small but when I slowed down and really started looking at what I was mowing over there were so many different kinds and they were so detailed and there were SO many ladybugs. It was a beautiful experience and a perfect mother's day gift. I'll be spending my mother's day time with my kids this Tuesday, if my face will behave.

My face is being mean to me again. I just got back from my nice clean and timely doctor, a prescription in each hand. More pain pills. More antibiotics. Whoo hoo! I'm typing this blog waiting for the wonderfulness of no pain to hit before I call in sick to work tonight, yet again. It pains me and makes me feel entirely TOO guilty when I have to call in these days and I'll only call in if I feel it's unsafe for me to be there. Not for my health, but for those of you out there who might need me to not be under the influence of a narcotic when I answer 911. I'm just cool that way.

I'm starting to feel narcotic-y. Think I'll go and lay down now.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

For My Mother

I don't remember much about when I was younger, but the things I do remember are as vivid as if they happened yesterday.

I remember playing Yahtzee with you one time and you had this spasm in your arm that made the dice fly out of your cup. I remember laughing about that until we were both crying.

I remember watching the Godzilla shows with you and each of us making the monster noises at each other afterward.

I remember collecting potato bugs with you in a jar from the veggies in your garden.

I remember playing lots of Gin Rummy.

I can remember every lecture you gave me and thinking to myself that I wish you would just spank me because the guilt was worse than any pain from a spanking I could get. And I can remember those lectures not because there were so many, but because they didn't happen unless I really screwed up.

I can remember becoming a teenager and fighting and yelling at you. I wish I could forget those times, though. Luckily, I got married early so we didn't have too terribly many of those, or at least not many that I can remember. In fact, I only remember one time really clearly, but alas... not what I was so angry about.

I remember the porch light signals when I had been outside with a boy too long.

I've never stolen anything because you had convinced me that if I did, I'd get caught. The funny part is, over the years as I've applied at different police departments and other various jobs where a polygraph is required, when they asked me the questions prior to taking the test and the question of stealing came up, I've had to convince these polygraph operators that, "No, I've not even stolen a piece of gum because my mom told me if I did, I'd get caught and I believed her." Seriously... I can't tell you how many times I've said that.

When I've gone through some of the darkest hours of my life, your words, "You just never know what tomorrow will bring", have gotten me through more times then I can count.

I remember getting all dolled up for my oldest brother's first wedding with you. We got our nails and our hair done... and then getting ready for the prom (not mine) up in one of the hotel rooms afterward.

I remember the summer of 1985 by the pool when you made me sit down and tell you that I thought I was pregnant and how much it broke your heart.

I can't say that I was a model child or even close to one. But I believe that the true testament to how well a mother has done in their child's life is how her grandchildren turn out. And well... we both know the results of that. And I can't even take full credit because of how close we all were for so very long.

Happy Mother's Day, mom. Thank you. For everything past, everything present, and for future stuff as well. I love you.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


I broke out my old tripod. Barely used. With the new location of the computer and the tripod, I'm able to move my camera wherever the cats are in this room, for the most part.

I got this new tube toy thingy for the cats. I may have to go back and get another one. Cricket really loves being IN stuff and she took to this right away. It comes so you can attach these tubes to each other with Velcro and I was thinking of making a nice long wormy tube. Now If I can just get the other cats from wanting to sit on top of the thing, thus squishing Cricket when she's inside. The camera is pointing towards the tube (at the time this blog was being written) if you are wondering what I'm talking about.

I think the sun came out yesterday. I'm not sure, though, because the one time I DID open my door I was hit in the face with oppressive mugginess and I shut it pretty quickly after that and never opened it again. I cranked down the money sucker and enjoyed the cool, dry air with wisps of little dollar signs floating about the wonderfulness. I remember the sun coming out for about 10 minutes on Thursday. This constant cloudy grayness is nice when it's raining, but gets annoying quickly when it's not. Sure wish it would stay Spring longer.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Too Early

Thought I got up at 3am this morning, but it was 2am. Sounds early, but I went to bed around 9pm and I rarely sleep more than 5 hours at a time. Now it's almost 5am and I'm sleepy again.

If I were to go to sleep right now instead of sitting here blogging, I could take a short nap before I have to do a million things because I didn't get squat done over the last two days. Mainly, I need to get my living area in order because Sunday is Mother's Day and I'm sure I'll be forced to have to do the whole MOTHER routine. Geez... you'd think the other holidays would suffice, but NO!

Of course, I'm kidding. I miss my kids. Painfully. But mostly I miss knowing what's going on in their lives. When they lived with me, they were held down and forced to give me all their information. Now... well... now I really cherish holidays. And it's not only because of all the cool gifts they give me out of guilt for not coming over more often.

I tried being sneaky. I got them each a really cool digital camera for Christmas. My thought was, "I get them cameras, they take pictures, I get to see what they are doing and with whom." The results after 5 months is a total of about 3.5 pictures each. I also do MySpace and FaceBook so I can spy on them... because admitting that I enjoy doing either is kind of embarrassing although it shouldn't be since everyfreakingbody that I know is on one or the other and usually both.

I'm not ignorant of the fact that they are working their arses off. It's finals time and they both work, my son full time in a managers position. They are busy little bees. Plus, they are both dating and both in fairly new relationships which haven't reached that 'I can't stand to see your face so much' phase. I am an understanding mom. And I guess I kind of understand where MY mom is coming from when she calls and scolds me for not keeping in touch. The only difference is there is never anything new in my life to call and tell her about. Unless you count me calling about my butt going into the wall, or the lawn mower is broken again, or I have strange scary mounds in my garage. Then I'll just blog about it anyway and if she reads my blog, what's the point in calling, right?

I should have made this my Mother's Day post. crap.

I have finally... for real this time... chosen the paint colors for this room.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Video Sure To Make You Smile

I know I did. Thank you J for sending this to me!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Stealing Someone's Post

Because I couldn't have said this any better myself, I'll let you read my exact thoughts that someone else wrote. :-)

A Yellaphant knows.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mad Kitties

I don't think my cats like that I moved stuff around. Last time they seemed to like it. This time they seem mad. Libby has been walking around hissing at everyone and picking on Spazz. Jynxy has been getting up on EVERYTHING and in EVERYTHING and he won't leave my side. When I'm in my computer chair, he's sitting behind me. When I'm in bed, he's either next to me or at the foot of my bed. When I go to the bathroom, he's right there with me. Spazz doesn't care either way. He just wishes Libby would leave him alone already. Cricket. Well... Cricket can't seem to settle for any length of time.

I'm not moving stuff back. Ever.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Remind Me

As I sit among the ruins of my living room, I can't help but wonder why I wanted to rearrange my furniture in the first place. Had to have been complete boredom from being sick and off of work for too long. It was probably the pain pills. I'm blaming the pain pills.

Finally got my computer up, but there are cords strewn about the whole place. Kitty Cam is on, but I've yet to find a good spot for it. Different view, from the opposite side of the room now.

My debate to either paint or not paint was decided by my big, fat behind. I had somewhat of an accident as I was moving stuff. I'm okay, but one of my walls is not. If you are a viewer of Kitty Cam and if you decide to view it after reading this, you will notice in the right hand corner of your view... that you are viewing... there is a book case sitting there. You may or may not be able to tell that's what it is. Anyway... it was not in the grand scheme of things to be there. When I had my vision the other day, a chair is suppose to be there. As my body produced force to move a heavy piece of furniture, the heavy piece of furniture decided it wasn't going to move and when it didn't, my body sort of bounced back. I was bent over when I did it... my fat behind in the air like Cricket's is when she's in heat. My butt hit the wall. The wall did not survive my butt. And, yes, I DID take a picture or two.

And yes, my ass IS that big. I told you in an earlier blog that is was the cause of the deterioration of the ozone layer. Geez... some day you will finally realize I'm not making this stuff up!

So... yeah. Big fat hole in my wall. Bookcase covers it up nicely. Good excuse to paint once it's repaired. But, oh my, the work that's involved in painting.

My face looks normal again. They let me go back to work. It still hurts a lot, but nothing like it was just a few short days ago. It feels like I have a rock in my face. Touching it hurts really bad still. So I avoid it. I keep hearing about these nasal washes. I went on YouTube and found a few videos. One by the manufacturer and one by some guy who was obviously not enjoying it as much as the lady did on the first one. The 30 second dirty clinic doctor recommended I get one. My head nodded yes but my brain was screaming, "there's no WAY I'm shooting crap up my nose!"

Friday, May 1, 2009

What's Up With Kitty Cam?

A few people have asked me what's up with Kitty Cam? The answer is, UStream.TV has recently updated all their crap. I was unable to broadcast for a couple of days due to bugs in their update. I skipped on over to Jason.TV for a few days, but their stuff kept crashing my stuff and me no likee stuff that crashes my computer. Unfortunately, with UStreams update, I've not been able to find a link to what they once called their popout player. Instead, you get a link to what they call, my showpage. Way back when I first started with UStream, you guys took a vote that told me that you prefer the popout player to the showpage. I'm sad that I can not give that you now. Kitty Cam is still alive, but if you want a big giant picture, you'll have to click on a little symbol in the lower right hand corner of the picture that comes up and when you mouse over it, it says toggle fullscreen. You are also very much welcome to comment over there if you feel the need to do so. When or if I ever find what I'm looking for to make your experience here as clickless as possible, I will update my stuff accordingly.

I've been sitting here not being able to stand it any more. I'm going to start my moving around 7am this morning. I will leave Kitty Cam up until the very last. The whole disassembling the computer is the one thing I hate most about moving stuff, so I will save that part for last.