Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Dreaded Catbox

The number one thing you don't want to do when you have a sinus infection is... bend over. When things fall on the floor, you either pick it up with your toes, or it stays there until you are better. Cleaning of the catbox, or in my case, catboxes... or is it catboxen? Either way, the whole process was bad when I tried to do it the first time, but I think it was worse just now after letting it go for the last three days. Geez... 4 cats sure do poop a lot. I have 3 boxes. Two in the back bedroom and one on the back porch (for those times when bird watching distracts them until it's almost too late). So now the furry butts are all happy again. They were all walking around screaming at me and I didn't understand why until Cricket took me back to the back and showed me. Ugh. I wish someone would invent a REAL automatic cat box cleaner... not those that fail miserably. Of course the ultimate would be to have them going in the toilet, and I've no doubt the girls and probably Jynxy would be into that. But poor Spazz is a bit clumsy and I would have to make a special platform for him and that would take a dedicated bathroom... but if I had an extra bathroom, you can be sure I'd be experimenting.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Having Visions

A couple of weeks ago I got a vision. The vision of what my living room is supposed to look like. It was beautiful and cozy and warm and welcoming with shades of gold and dark blue mixed together harmoniously. I finally see where everything should go.

This last move that I did was not very extensive. It was a little bit different and open and I've always gone for the more open look. I'm craving cozy now. I need color! I've been sitting around the last few days with a throbbing face wanting to just move stuff.

But tonight... I'm feeling better. Not great, but compared to the last few days, better by far. I took Aleeve around 6pm this evening, after getting up from a marathon nap on the couch. It's 730pm now and I'm very comfortable... and not doped up. My face is still painful to the touch, but I'm really starting to have to search to see the swelling. I might have to start moving stuff this evening. I wish I had paint. I have to get rid of these dingy not so white walls. If I had tons of money, oh the possibilities! And not a whole lot of energy to get it all done. But it's free to move stuff around... and free exercise as well.

I've always been terrible at finishing my antibiotics. The only times I ever have is when I'm prescribed those Z-packs. Three pills in three days is not hard to accomplish. I have to take two horse pills a day for the next 10 days and I'm terrified to stop taking them. This was one of the most painful experiences of my life. Mind blowing pain that never quits. When you see me wearing those dust masks, it's not for fear of the Swine Flu, but fear of another freaking sinus infection.


The weatherman promised me the last few days were going to be rainy days. They haven't been. They've been really pretty days and it's so hard to be sick on days that are so pretty. This morning he said we should have rain by 4am here. There is nothing around, although it is only around 2am now.

I have some definite improvements this morning on the face thing. The swelling has gone down a little and when I went to bed last night... well... a few hours ago... as I was lying up in bed... because lying down in bed hurts... I swear I felt like I could feel my sinuses kicking in. The accompanying drainage down the back of my throat confirmed that something was going on. This morning, my face is no longer hot to the touch and I have no fever upon waking. I just took the next to last pain pill in my possession. In six hours I will need to make the decision if I'm going back to the doctor and with this whole swine flu thing going on, getting in is going to be iffy. The last place I really want to be right now is a place full of sick people. But pain will make you do pretty much anything to get rid of it and I'm not sure my Aleeve is going to do the job when it comes down to it.

5 and a half hours to decide...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Facial Update

I'm an hour into my pain medication. I think last time I wrote while on this stuff I had pneumonia or some type of cough thing where I was taking a codeine cough suppressant.

I'm sleeping about 2 to 3 hours at a time. I'm taking a pain pill every 6 hours. I want to take one every 3 hours, but I quickly found out that it makes me sick to do that, so I don't. I wait it out. I'm taking a horse sized antibiotic every 12 hours. So far, I've only ingested 4 of these things. I've seen no results and am still in as much pain. When I woke up this morning... this last time which was about 9am, it appears as if my Ethnoid sinus is now being affected. I'm giving this stuff till tomorrow morning to show some sign of improvement and if there is none by 9am Wednesday, I'm calling my real doctor, as opposed to another dirty clinic. I'm worried about what the infection is doing to the tissue that I can't see. It already looks as if I've had a good bout with a dentist, and I'd prefer that my face does not stay this way because of nerve damage or anything. That's not anything I've read, though. Just my morbid imagination running wild on pain meds and not a lot of sleep.

I still have no drainage. At least none that's coming out. My nose is not stuffy. I can breathe just fine. I'm not sneezing. I don't have itchy or watery eyes. None of the normal symptoms that one has with sinus anything. I've even tried blowing the crap out of my nose. Nothing comes out, but it builds up some nice pressure, so I only did that once. I finally invested 8 dollars and bought me a hot water bottle. The warm feels good, but any amount of touching my face hurts, so that's not been as pleasant as I thought it would be. A warm wash cloth seems to work best, but it doesn't stay warm for very long.

Had a friend of mine come over unexpectedly yesterday. He came to check on my well being after I sent him a pathetic email telling him how sick I was. I had just dozed off when I felt my cats move suddenly and when I opened my eyes, I saw they were watching something on the front porch. I sat up in bed and saw movement and when I looked out my window, from the perspective of my bed, what I saw was some big man lean over and look in my window (my bedroom window over looks my front porch area) and then he just kind of stood there. The wind was blowing and nature can be kind of loud that time of morning and I spoke up and said "Can I help you?" My window was open and I figured the big scary man could hear me and when he just stood there, I got scared and called 911. As I was trying to spit out my address to the 911 operator, I was making my way to my back door because it was the opposite of the front door where I assumed the guy was still hanging out. When I got to my back door I saw the car in my drive and recognized it instantly and then had to apologize to the 911 guy for being one of those idiot callers I'm always talking about at work.

My friend had come over and when he found the back door to be locked (which usually signals me being asleep) he had come around to the front porch and was enjoying the breeze on the front porch as he debated on whether to ring the door bell and chance waking me up. He had leaned down to peer through my window to see if he could see me sleeping, but he couldn't even see me sitting up in bed and never heard me say anything. I have that flower bed that sits underneath my bedroom window that overlooks the front porch and unless you climb into that thing, the window sits so low you can't really see in. But he did hear Libby talking to him. I have some pretty cool watch cats. They will always let me know when someone is around. They may not bark, but they let me know.

Any way... if anyone I know decides to come visit me, you might want to call first.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Haze Of Pain

I haven't had a drippy nose. Didn't have a symptom one until I woke up with a third dimension on my face. And when I woke up that first morning, there was only a little bit of pain...

I've heard people flippantly say that they had a sinus infection. What I have now can't compare to any person I've ever heard say that. The swelling went down after the initial shot of steriod I got at the dirty clinic. Right now, it's back to where it was when I first woke up with it last Saturday, except the pain... OMG, the freaking pain. I'm hoping by tomorrow the antibiotics will finally kick in to ease some of what I've got going on. Unless this was caused by a mold spore, in which case the antibiotics I was prescribed will not do any good, which means this could get even worse and thinking in that direction scares me because I REALLY don't want to go to a hospital and if I would just quit Googling stuff I would not scare myself nearly so bad as I do.

After last night, I don't know if my work will ever let me come back. Maybe when I no longer look like I'm sporting an extra half a face.

It's been 9 hours since my last pain pill and I'm patiently (ha!) waiting for the one I just took to kick in. Sleep is coming in short bursts. Talking hurts. Eating hurts. Breathing out of my nose hurts. Blinking hurts. It's funny... I think back to Friday as I did my yard work, working through the pain. How silly I was just 4 days ago. I didn't KNOW pain, then. In just a few short days, we've become quite intimate, thank you very much. I might even have to take a pregnancy test after all of this.

One thing is for sure... not only will I be that old crazy cat lady who rides around on her riding lawn mower, but now she will also be wearing a dust mask to avoid THIS crap ever happening again. The combination of the windy day and me kicking up lots of dust mowing and picking up old moldy tree branches... there's something in that wild yard of mine that just didn't jive well with the old Maxillary sinus cavity.

Ahhh... the fog of pain meds has finally washed over me. Now it's pain with small bursts of no pain, but I don't know if it's because the pain disappears for a few seconds at a time, or if I'm just high. I just took a couple of photos. They don't do the swelling or the pain justice, although the look on my face is a fine example of intense pain and medication, all wrapped up for your viewing pleasure.

This first pic shows how the swelling has gone all the way down into my neck area. This one I may use as my profile picture after the pain goes away.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Clinic Visit

I don't think I'll be back.

I got called about 720pm. I got up there and still waited in the waiting room for about 15 minutes. When I was taken back to a room, I waited another hour before the doctor came in and then he spent a grand total of about 30 seconds with me. While I'm waiting, I'm pacing because I don't like to sit on those examining tables... they put my feet to sleep. While I am pacing, I notice how there is a thick coat of dust on everything. Those cone shaped thingies they use to look in your ears and nose, they had dust on them. After I got a shot I was allowed to wait some more in the waiting area. I'm the only one in the room at the time because it's so freaking late and the place has already closed at 8pm. I then notice the dead bugs along the window sill. A LOT of dead bugs. I don't know if I would have felt better if they were alive. Either way, ewww.

Very dirty place. Very nice staff. The doctor was nice enough, although I would have liked to have not felt like they were just trying to get out of there, which they were and I totally don't blame them, really. For about $200 ($50 co-pay) I interacted with someone for a total of about 3 minutes. The other 2 and a half hours were spent waiting. I don't get the web check-in. I don't see how it helped save any time at all.

My alternatives were to either wait till Monday to see my regular doctor, or go to a hospital. My hospital co-pay is 20% of the bill. I don't know what an emergency room visit costs these days, but I know it ain't cheap. The last time I went to the hospital, my co-pay was $100. If it had been that still, I would have gone that direction since waiting till Monday with half of my face looking like The Godfather and some pretty good pain to go along with it seemed not a good idea.

I got a shot and a prescription for some antibiotics. I didn't have time to fill it before work so now I'm waiting for the pharmacy to open so I can start taking the yummy medicine which will give me diarrhea and make me feel gross but will hopefully make my face behave.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Wasting Time

I am currently awaiting a call-in from a Care Now clinic. I've never used this service before and thought I would give it a try. It's more than just idle curiosity, though. I woke up after about 3 hours of sleep with the right side of my face all swollen and chipmunk looking. I had this same thing happen a couple of years ago and it was a sinus infection. I'm thinking that's probably what it is again since it's the same swollen painful experience. I thought waiting till Monday for a doctor's appointment would be too long since it's already at the stage of making me look funny. Then again, I look funny anyway and at least I'm wrinkle free on one side today. Plus it hurts and the idea of infection being so close to my brain worries me. I don't have brain cells to waste this late in life. So now I sit and wait until they call and let me know that I can see the doctor now.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Gettin' Old Hurts

Finished my yard work yesterday. Not sure how, except that at one point I realized I had completely shut my mind off to the aches and pains that have plagued me the last couple of days. I HAD to get it done and I wanted to do it before the rain got here. The weather guys say there's a chance, but my accurate rain pain says it's more than just a chance.

After I was done, my mind and my body came back to me and I went in, took a shower and curled up in a ball and cried myself to sleep. Not to worry internets. I'm not sad or anything. Just my raging hormones helping me to feel sorry for myself and it never lasts for very long. Sometimes, ya just gotta let it all out and knowing this allows me the luxury of getting it over with instead of fighting it and afterwards, especially with the nap, I always feel better. The best part is looking outside and seeing that my yard work is done, at least for a week or so.

Today I plan on doing nothing. My favorite activity of all time.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Kitty Cam Update

Running through a new server. Hope this is more reliable than the last one!

Kitty Cam

It's down until UStream decides to fix whatever the heck is going on. I'll post again when I find that it is back up.

Going To Be An Expensive Summer

For Earth Day, my cat learned how to turn on the air conditioner. I saw her do it once yesterday and thought it was a fluke. Sometime during the night she did it again. I awoke to her contentedly laying in a chair which sets right in front of the air conditioner... a smile on her face... her fur blowing around in wispy strands... with the wide open window right next to the money sucking cool air. I have no idea how long it had been on and the 'her' I am speaking of is Cricket.

My yard is a jungle. I must mow today.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I'm Sure You Have Already Seen It

But I had to share, just in case you haven't.

Hey, looky there! Pentecostal Pagans!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Fat Ass Is Killing The Planet

According to an article published yesterday in the International Journal of Epidemiology, Carbon emissions are being fueled by high rates of obesity. Their "scientific" study suggests that because obese people eat more than someone who isn't obese, it causes more food to be produced/manufactured/processed which in turn is causing carbon emissions to increase, which is killing the all mysterious ozone layer.

Okay... because I know my mom on occasion stops by here, I'm going to do my best not to let my mouth get me in trouble with the bad words that are floating around in my head right now. Plus, the urge to write a 50 page essay on why these scientists need to be kicked in the man berries is tempting but I will do my best to keep this as short as possible.

What a lot of people don't realize when they see, for example ME and my fat ass, is that I am obese not because I over-eat, but because I don't eat enough to keep my metabolism high enough to burn what I do shove in my face and I fight a sedentary lifestyle every single day. I can promise you, the skinny people out there eat MUCH more than I could even imagine. Now, I'm not defending those that are obese and DO overeat, because there are many out there. But someone who calls them self a scientist should be a little more thorough in their studies before coming out with an article that lumps all fat people into a planet killing herd.

I won't go into food choices, FDA approved processed foods killing people, the prescription medications that are handed out like candy and things like that, because doing so depresses me and makes me sad for the way our government has led us all on the wrong path in so many ways over so very many years and frankly, it would probably bore you to death and geez my fat ass is already killing you, I don't want my words to do the same.

Suffice it to say, reader... you just can't believe everything that is published, whether it be in the Whatever Journal Of Medicine or The National Enquirer.

Think I'll go fry up a pound of bacon and a few dozen hamburgers now because, hell... that's what fat people are supposed to do, right?

Friday, April 17, 2009

HAZMAT Kind Of Day

I got this package from the mailman yesterday.When I asked him what I was supposed to do with the crate, he said, "I dunno." When I asked him if I was supposed to put it out to be picked up or take it to the post office, he said, "I dunno." So now I have a new cat toy.It contained a very small free sample of some kind of moisturizer that had busted open. And that is how it was delivered. It was addressed to me or current resident. It definitely was a shake my head moment when I carefully lifted the "lid" (a piece of cardboard shoved into the top) waiting for some type of HAZMAT disaster to happen because I was just too curious NOT to open it.In other news... my red lilies have bloomed and they are gorgeous.And we have some bad storms coming through so I will be shutting everything down now and that wasn't even my correct zip code on the bio hazard box.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Most Boring Post Ever

Seems like every time FireFox does an update I start have trouble with it, then they will do another update about a week later and everything is fine again. Right now, it won't let me run my Kitty Cam. I don't mind Internet Explorer, especially when it works and the other doesn't, but I prefer FireFox. Sorry for the downtime if you've ventured that way and things were offline. And there's a scheduled outage for Blogger here in the next couple of hours, but if you come here during that time I guess you probably already know that and if you don't, then you probably don't care anyway.

We have rain predicted for the next couple of days. Probably won't get a chance to do any yard work, not that I was really looking forward to it or anything, but it does make it harder the more out of control it becomes.

One day... I would like to watch Extreme Home Makeover without balling like a hormonal middle aged woman. It's tragic and embarrassing. I'm so ashamed of myself that I refuse to watch it when anyone is around.

Playing Catch Up

Been working a lot the last week or so and have been pretty busy while I've been there. Yesterday I spent over 13 hours there and that's not counting the hour and a half commute time. Upper management decided to pull the girl I was training from my shift a day early, so things were back to normal for me last night. Waiting for word on that one to see if she will continue her employment with us. I was surprised how quickly the time went with her. But then again, we were unusually busy and that always makes the time go by quicker. Unlike the nights where I kick back in my chair with my feet propped up, staring at the ceiling tiles and listen to the clock on the wall behind my head tick... tick... ticking away the seconds.

In between sleep and working I discovered the series JERECHO. I have a three word acronym with an exclamation point for that show. OMG! It flows like the series LOST but JERECHO doesn't mess with your head like LOST does, although there are as many twists and turns and subplots. I unwillingly set myself up for this show by recently watching a bunch of documentaries about what the government allows in our food and water, and what genetically altered food and processed food is doing to everyone and theories on the Trade Center bombings and several others along that same thread. And then I found JERECHO. Anyone who has seen this show knows what I mean here. I didn't have a clue what the show was about and I didn't stop to read anything about it before I pushed play. So... yeah. I just started the second series. Netflix is my friend.

For $18 a month, Netflix has gone beyond paying for itself. It's better than any cable or satellite service I have ever had. Since you don't have to wait a year for a movie to come out on DVD any more, it's worth it. I probably use the instant play more than I use the DVD rentals. If you have a decent internet connection and you are trying to save some bucks, $18 a month is a LOT cheaper than your average cable bill. Unless you're all into sports. I'm not, so muah.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


What a fantastic weather day so far. Right now it's a breezy 70 degrees with bright blue skies and a few wispy clouds left over from this morning's puny rain attempts.

Last night I slept with my window opened to the night air. Only got woke up once when the smell of skunk wafted in... again. I guess the skunks here lately have been nervous because I know they don't always stink. I've watched out my window as a skunk and a couple of her babies walked under it and there was no smell at all. I've seen them run across my yard as I'm walking out to work, without a smell.

My daughter is leaving for Austin tomorrow... with her new boyfriend... who I haven't met yet. She seems to really like him yet I can hear her trying to convince me and I don't know if that is because I have finally become the cynical man-hater and she senses this from my lack of enthusiasm, or if it's because of some subconscious thing on her part because deep down she knows he's gay and will eventually sell her to slave traders who will take her to the head vampire to become his head vampire wife. I'm putting my money on the second one.

How does a mom know when a guy is right for her daughter? I have always taken the stand back approach and just let things work out however they will. I've never had a need to step in because although I know my daughter has been broken-hearted, I've never had any cause to suspect anything more, like physical violence. But is there a way to really know the difference between someone worthy enough of my daughter's love? Is there such a thing at all?

I'm just thankful that she's still brave enough to try.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

See Ya Later Officer Guajardo

This morning ended the first of two weeks of me pretending to train someone. Last night was not so bad, but only because I decided it was our Friday and learning new stuff on your Friday is silly. Plus, it was a painfully quiet night and time was best spent getting to know my fellow co-worker.

I also had to say goodbye to a fellow officer who will be starting at a new department on Monday. It's so hard when good people like him leave. Sadly, we have lost a lot of good officers there. You see, we are on the lower end of the list of departments around this area when it comes to pay. We were at one time the lowest. I'm not sure where we stand now, but I don't think we are at the bottom. I might have to check into that. Our city completely covers the employee benefits, but dependent coverage is AWFUL and when you add the low pay on top of that, the officers that have children or wives end up eventually leaving because they just can't make it on what they get paid. But it's perfect for someone like me. Children are grown and I live in a barn so there's not too much money flying out my door. My bills get paid and I actually have a few items of clothing that don't have holes in them.

This young officer is one of the nicest guys I've had the pleasure of working with. He left behind a six figure salary to come work for us because he wanted to be a police officer that bad. But the having to work 7 days a week was starting to affect his home life and he new he had to move on. It will be a culture shock for him. It always is for those that have started their careers in our city and moved on. I was one of them. It's weird, though, because I never DISLIKED my new job. I loved it. Had they not made me leave, I might even still be there. I might have said this before, but going back to my old job was just like coming home. I know I'll be there till the end, unless life does what it does best and steers me in another direction. Who's to say what tomorrow will bring.

So... if you find yourself being pulled over by an officer and he comes up to your window and he identifies himself as Officer Guajardo, you tell him that crazy cat lady at his old job said to quit being a rookie and to be nice. Can't say that will get you out of a ticket, but I bet you would get to witness his beautiful smile and as long as I've worked around cops... if you can get one to smile, your chances of NOT getting a ticket are much better.To Officer G, if you ever happen to Google your name and find this post: Sorry, dude. This picture is just TOO funny. I was wishing I had brought my camera last night to take a picture of you on your last night... then I remembered MySpace... that evil, evil MySpace.

Fair thee well, Officer Guajardo, and as always... be safe out there.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

3 Years Of Silence

3 years of living alone, working primarily alone and generally being a hermit, did not prepare me for what I have gone through this week. I mentioned a post or two back that I would be training someone and you probably wouldn't hear much from me... and I was right. In fact, I may never talk to anyone again. If I could train someone via a word document, I would be in heaven. But no. I have to talk. For 8 hours at a time. And I'm tired... exhausted... drained. I've talked so much my tongue is sore. If you were to call me right now and I had my phone in my hand when it rang, I would not answer it. I may not answer my phone for the next two weeks. Or ever again.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Rules Of Engagement

Hypothetically speaking, if a girl makes friends with a group of guys... say, 4 or 5 of them... and they all become really close friends after a period of time has passed, and then one day the girl and one of the guys from the group decide that they want to play suck face and then all of a sudden they start living together, and after a certain amount of time has gone by... say, one year, one month and three days... one of them decides that they aren't happy any more, and hasn't been for about 6 months of that one year, one month and three days, and ups and walks out on her... or him... can the girl ever expect to be true friends with any of the other guys in the group, or will she one day come to realize that although she THOUGHT that was possible, she suddenly sees that birds of a feather have penis's and one bad apple spoils the whole party and man-law and bro's before...?

Hypothetically speaking, of course...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Gettin' Stuff Done

I love it when my "things" are organized... shelves, closets, drawers, desks. But rarely do I get the chance to just take some time out and organize. I used to do it all the time, but that was back when I only had one room to worry about. And I very rarely am able to keep things organized, once they are. I just wish I knew WHY things don't stay organized. I used to blame it on my kids. I would get my daily exercise just walking around our house trying to find crap. It was just always that way. And then my thinking became, why bother spending two hours fixing up a closet or a drawer when the little monsters would just come in behind me and change it back to chaos.

One of the things I was looking forward to about living alone, was that I never had to worry about someone coming along behind me and moving something and not putting it back. Some things I could care less about, but most things... I don't mind if you use them, but when I'm ready to use them, they better darn well be where I left them last... doesn't matter that you found them under ancient dirty clothes in the back of the closet under your boxed up baby toys. I'm even worse about it at work. Just ask anybody who's ever been in the room when I reach for something that has been in a certain place for 150 years and it's not there. These are my special times, which some might call tirades, but I call coming out of my quiet place.

So's anyways... it wasn't always my kids. I have to admit, I have become lazy when it comes to putting crap back... or more correctly, giving everything it's own place. Living alone gives you such luxuries as being able to leave something somewhere and going back to where you left it if you need it again. The only problem with this system, aside from utter chaos, is that it doesn't work as well the older you get. Instead of just forgetting where you put something after you used it, it becomes, forgetting that you even used it at all. So you may remember that ten years ago you put the freaking drill in the tool box, but since that time you used it, you just don't remember using it. And seriously? I just saw that drill, like TWO days ago, and I don't remember where I saw it.

When I moved out of my previous home, it was done in a hurry and I wasn't the one who did most of my own packing. I was so disheartened in having to move, and other things, I just didn't care, so I procrastinated, and procrastinated and procrastinated even more until the time was upon me and I had to just throw my crap in boxes and trash bags and just leave. Most everything that was, or still is, in a box was done by a very good friend and roommate at the time. I don't think he fully understood my aversion to packing... I don't think I did either, at the time. I moved into THIS house the same haphazardly way. I think he did most of the unpacking as well. Sigh... it was a difficult time for me. I've yet to go through probably 80 percent of the things that are still in boxes or shoved in closets.

BUT... I realized yesterday that I'm slowly making progress. Little by little I'm attacking these unorganized places in my home and making them organized! It's taken almost three years, but I'm getting there. I try to keep thoughts like, "You're just going to have undo everything you've just done when you move", because thoughts like that are what has stifled my effort so often in the past. I'm living in the moment, the best I know how. And gettn' stuff done in the meantime.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Sleep Of The Dead

I don't often find myself sleeping more than 5 hours at any one time. Day or Night. But on occasion I will awaken to find that I have been asleep for almost 8 hours, like this morning.

I'm not sure when my sleep got so weird. When I had children at home I would get off of work, hurry home to take my darlings to school, come back home and retire around 9am. I'd sleep till about 245, get up, and go pick up those same darlings. Non school days were better because I would get to sleep till about 4.

The four years I worked day shift were mixed with sleep deprivation and that started about the same time I started taking anti depressants. I could only sleep four hours at a time. Max. I was tired all the time yet couldn't sleep, so then I was prescribed a sleeping aid. I never have problems going to sleep. Oftentimes, I feel as if I'm asleep before my head hits the pillow and I have a hard time remembering myself even going to bed. My problem is, I can't STAY asleep and once I wake up, I'm UP. With the sleeping pills, I still only slept 4 hours and then I would wake up and feel like crap from them. After getting the sleeping pills and them not working, I got an anti anxiety medication... then eventually an anti seizure medication because I couldn't quit crying. I tell people that I was high for about 2 years because on all of that medication, I was. Sad part is, I know I'm not the only one who gets shoved a handful of pills and then told to go make happy.

When I eventually got off all of the crappy medication and started working night shift again, the tiredness was much less. My most accomplished day starts with about 5 hours sleep. When I get almost 8... the possibilities are endless. Now, my biggest problem is switching from night shift hours to day shift hours during my weekend hours so I can get stuff done. The neighbors don't like it when I mow my lawn at 3am. This is probably not the best approach at staying sleep healthy, but in a world, or a city, that does not sleep when I do, some days it's a necessity.

No point to this post except that I slept really good last night.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

American Idol Disappointment

I'm a die hard AI fan. Watched it the first year it aired and every year since. I love how the show has progressed from what it was. Yet this year, during the weekly group number, they have decided to have the contestants lip sing... and it's SO obvious. I can't help but wonder if they are so hard to work with as a group that they can't sing live, which I thought, was one of the main points of the whole show any way or if someone has just gotten lazy over there at FOX.

Other than the fake singing group numbers, there is one contestant that stands out from the rest. That would be Adam Lambert. I'm of the same opinion with the new lady judge they have this year... every week, I can't wait to see what Mr. Lambert is going to do. I will be very surprised if he doesn't win this year.

I was sorry to see Megan go home last night. I really liked her off style and she is SO beautiful inside and out. I love seeing such purity on the show. If she were to put out an album, I'd definitely be interested in checking it out.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Fool's Day

Last night, my son brought over my mother's day present and set it up for me and everything! As of June whenever, when they decide to switch off the analog signal, I'm ready with my 32 inch flatscreen LCD HDTV. After finding the digital channels, OMG! I never knew what I was missing. And so what that I gave him a check for it. I'm still going to call it my mother's day present.

I killed both of my CD drives in my computer. No more computer games until I get new ones. Which for you means, more time for me spent blabbing on here because I have nothing to divert my attention for a little while. Except for that TV sitting over there... all pretty and new and digital-ish. But you shouldn't worry too much... I'll be training someone at work for the next two weeks and will be all babbled out, I'm sure. Life has a way of evening things up for me like that.

Today is the start of my weekend. I'm looking forward to the solitude. The two days a week that I hide indoors and don't have to venture out into the cruel, mean world. Two days of kitties and computers... and that digital wonder over there.

Don't be a fool today. Just say no.