Monday, March 31, 2008

Spring Is SO Here!

Don't get me wrong... I love Spring. I love watching the flowers bloom and the sweet smell of life in the cool morning air. And the birds and the butterflies. But along with all the beautifulness comes violent Spring showers which turn my hands and feet into throbbing excruciatingly painful uselessness, which in turn keeps yours truly from sitting here typing to the three or four of you that stop by here from time to time.

Turned on the air conditioner for the fist time this year.

Thanks go to Matt for sending me this link. When you get to the page that pops up, just sit back and wait. It takes just a bit to start. So... thanks King Cheap!

HEMA is a Dutch department store. The first store opened on November 4, 1926, in Amsterdam . Now there are 150 stores all over the Netherlands . HEMA also has stores in Belgium, Luxemburg, andGermany . In June of this year, HEMA was sold to British investment company Lion Capital.

Take a look at HEMA's product page You can't order anything and it's in Dutch but just wait a couple of seconds and watch what happens.

This company has a sense of humor and a great computer programmer.

Monday, March 24, 2008


My guest departed yesterday evening. I think all the kitties, including him, feel better to be back to their normal routine. I got a call from my daughter a little bit ago letting me know that PJ (former girl cat gone boy formally known as Zelda) has an appointment with the ball fairy this Friday. Good luck confused boy cat!

Today, Libby went into heat. (wiping sweat from brow)

Easter was uneventful for me. My only visitor was my daughter picking up her cat. I didn't go anywhere. The Easter bunny left me no candy. I ate salad for dinner.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter Ya'll

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

You Will Do

I'm Tired

Although I love cats, it will be nice to have my home free of the extra one. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind having him here, it's just going to be nice when he goes home. My other cats... they mind quite a bit that he's here. I would have thought Cricket, the youngest would have enjoyed the playfulness of someone her age, but alas... she's the one that is having the most problems with our visitor. Spazz, being the patient boy that he is, has actually started to enjoy the new plaything that runs and jumps with him. (Not that Spazz really runs OR jumps, but he tries) Libby is tolerant as long as Zelda doesn't get in her way and Jynx just ignores him entirely. But poor Cricket and Zelda do NOT get along on either end. He doesn't like her, she doesn't like him.

He's a rambunctious thing. He'll run full speed growling the whole time and I'm thinking he's attacking when all he's doing is just running. He gets into more stuff then even MY cats get into and I'm afraid, his being an only child shows. Can you say spoiled rotten?

It will be nice when we are all able to get back to our routine. Even for him.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Congratulations! It's A Boy!

I'm hoping this week won't be as long as this day will probably be. I'm babysitting my daughter's cat because she is working all week since it is Spring break from school. So far there's been much hissing and growling since I've been home from work. Zelda, our guest of the week, was suppose to be a girl. I informed my daughter that Zelda is not a girl at all, but a budding boy. I have two un-spayed girls that live with two neutered boys. I don't THINK Zelda is ready for da big boy times, but I can tell you if either of my girls get pregnant, the babies are going to my daughter's house. :-) Love you, K! She was able to find a clinic in Denton where she lives where she can get her Zelda snipped for very, very cheap.

He's a beautiful cat and VERY energetic and is, quite frankly, in cat heaven over here. Lots of windows to bird watch, a big giant thing to climb on and toys in every corner. I'm hoping things will settle down quickly. He seems to be making himself at home quicker then the others are welcoming the visit.

My girls are mad at me now because I PROMISED no more kittehs. I wish they could understand me when I tell them that the handsome visitor is just a visitor.


Saturday, March 15, 2008


I picked up a paintbrush today for the first time in a very long time. Felt good. Felt great. Free therapy!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Nothing to Write About Today

Thursday, March 13, 2008

What Does One Do?

When I turned 40 at the end of last year, I made a decision to stop coloring my hair. I had been coloring for many years because of being blessed with genes that cause early graying. My grandmother told me she was pretty much entirely gray by the time she was 35. I've tried to do this before, but once I got to a certain point, I couldn't stand it any more and opted to color. Not this time. I'm farther then I've ever been and like most things in my life, I've accepted what fate has in store as far as my hair goes.

Which brings me to a problem. I have very long hair. I've got about 3 inches of gray hair growth and the rest is a nice combination of dark brown with lots of red highlights. I have noticed, though, that the majority of solid gray is around my face and that the hair on the back of my head is coming in with my natural dark brown with just a few strands of gray and I think once it is all grown out it's going to look pretty cool. But right now, all it looks like is that I haven't colored my hair in a while and I don't like it. I've thought about just cutting all the colored part off, but this would leave me with VERY short hair, and I'm not a VERY short hair kind of person. I've Googled hair dye removal and the results were not positive at all. So what I'm left with as far as choices go are just dealing with it until I can get it cut off, or just dealing with it without getting it cut off. I'm not a beauty shop type person, but I may be in store for a visit soon.

My daily routine for my hair is a wash and go style. I wash it... then I go. Since growing my bangs out, I use one of those head band combs to keep it out of my face. Sometimes I even braid it. I don't use a curling iron or a hair dryer. Any curl to my hair is from taking out the braid once it is dry. I fear going for any other style will leave me with no option but to start using a curling iron or a hair dryer... and I guess that wouldn't be so bad, but what if one day I just don't want to do that? I don't want to get stuck having to "fix" my hair just to go out and get the mail. And then again... I like my long hair and don't wish to have to go to the beauty shop every other month to get it cut. I'm just too cheap for that.

So forgive my unkempt appearance. Until I decide what to do this will be weighing heavy on my head. HA!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Reason #8 Why I Wouldn't Mind Having a Dog

Not that I'd ever get one, but this is funny.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Day One

I cared enough before work not to buy a large root beer from Sonic. Something I've done for a while. I did not care enough to take my dinner by forgetting to do so.

By the time I got off work, my head felt as if it would explode. I came home and cried and felt completely sorry for myself.

I cared enough to make myself stay in bed for a complete 8 hours. My sleeping habits before include sleeping for no longer then 4 hours at a time.

I woke up and my head still hurt, but after eating a healthy dinner and drinking lots of water and taking an Aleeve, I am fine.

This is going to be a long road. But I'm happy.

Friday, March 7, 2008


I started this blog with the intentions of never posting anything negative. I feel I'm a pretty positive person and I incorporate positive thinking in my daily life. I'm not saying I never think negative thoughts, but I do tend to avoid negativity in my life as much as possible. I find I'm just happier this way.

A couple of years ago, while working at my other job, I had a series of doctors and doctor visits on pretty much a weekly basis. I've heard more times then I can count, "we don't know what's wrong with you", or, "we don't know why this happened". I think my breaking point was my bout with amnesia. Granted, I found out that this is more common then people think, but it usually involves a couple of days, not the month that I lost. And in the end, no one knows why it happened. Looking back today, I attribute a lot of my ailments during that time to stress. Over this time period, I developed a very strong aversion to doctors.

The mind is a powerful thing. It can subconsciously kill you without you realizing it is doing so. If you hit a point in your life where you just give up, the results are your body slowly, but surely, giving up with you.

I can easily throw the blame of MY giving up to one particular person, when in reality, I can only blame myself. Throwing blame is easy. Understanding that I am the only one to blame, is very, very hard. Ignoring problems is the easiest and if I am to be honest (which is the whole point to this blog anyway) I would have to say I gave up a looooong time before S ever left me. My biggest goal to date is to find out why. I use the words giving up, when I think I should actually use the words, not caring.

I've recently (Wednesday) become aware that I am about to hit a point of no return, as far as my health goes. It's come down to the point to where I either have to START caring, or deal with the consequences of not caring, which include loss of quality and quantity of what life is suppose to be. Simple as that. I need to now realize that I may be luckier than some because right now... right this second... I have the option to take control and make changes that will positively change my life, where as some have reached that point, passed it by and have no choices.

I could sit here and list all of the things I have been diagnosed with as of right now, but I won't. Everything I am experiencing now all falls back on one thing and one thing only. My lifestyle. I don't exercise, and I don't eat well and I haven't for a long time. The not caring got worse in January of 2004, but the not caring has been a way of life for me for as long as I can remember.

No matter how much friends and loved ones will tell you that you need to make changes, nothing hits home like your doctor telling you bluntly that you are going to die. No, not tomorrow. Not next week or even a year from now... Suffice it to say, I am at a critical point in my health. The disease that's killing me is my not caring. And no pills, or surgery or anything else is going to fix it unless I can make myself care. I AM extremely lucky to find out now that there IS still time to turn things around.

So my journey begins.

Let Me In

Thursday, March 6, 2008


I wish I could describe the beauty I've been watching this afternoon. Here's some progression shots so far:

I know people who are use to snow may think I'm going overboard, but we just don't see this very often down here. I've never seen snowflakes this big! It's like snowballs falling from the sky!

Winter Weather Again

It's about 1230pm and things are already turning white. Right now, it's mostly ice but is expected to turn to snow shortly. I am thankful I do not have to work tonight. It's suppose to get hairy as far as travel goes. Here's pictures of the beginning. I'll update as the scenery changes today. Not being able to get out and about, I have nothing else to do. Lucky you.



Welcome to Dallas. We Hope You Enjoy Your Stay.

Driving in Dallas ,Texas

First you must learn to pronounce the city name. It is DAL-LUS, or DAA-LIS depending on if you live inside or outside LBJ Freeway.

Next, if your Mapsco is more than a few weeks old, throw it out and buy a new one. If in Denton County and your Mapsco is one-day-old, then it is already obsolete. Forget the traffic rules you learned elsewhere. Frisco has screwed everything up.

Dallas has its own version of traffic rules... "Hold on and pray." There is no such thing as a dangerous high-speed chase in Dallas. We all drive like that.

All directions start with, "Get on Beltline," which has no beginning and no end. (It REALLY DOESN'T!!!)

The morning rush hour is from 6 to 10. The evening rush hour is from 3 to 7. Friday's rush hour starts Thursday morning.

If you actually stop at a yellow light, you will be rear-ended, cussed out and possibly shot. When you are the first one on the starting line, count to five when the light turns green before going to avoid crashing with all the drivers running the red light in cross-traffic.

Construction on Central Expressway is a way of life and a permanent form of entertainment. We had sooo much fun with that, we have added George Bush Freeway and the High Five to the mix.

All unexplained sights are explained by the phrase, "Oh, we're in Fort Worth!"

If someone actually has his or her turn signal on, it is probably a factory defect.
Car horns are actually "Road Rage" indicators - and remember, it's legal to be armed in Texas.

All old ladies with blue hair in a Mercedes have the right of way. Period. And remember, it's legal to be armed in Texas ..

Inwood Road, Plano Road, NW Highway, East Grand, Garland Road, Marsh Lane, Josey Lane, 15th Street, Preston Road all mysteriously change names as you cross intersections (these are only a FEW examples). The perfect example is what is MOSTLY known as Plano Road. On the south end, it is known as Lake Highlands Drive, cross Northwest Highway and it becomes Plano Road, go about 8 miles and it is briefly Greenville Ave, Ave K, and Highway 5. It ends in Sherman ...

The North Dallas Tollway is our daily version of NASCAR. The minimum acceptable speed on the Dallas North Toll Road is 85 mph. Anything less is considered downright sissy. It also ends in Sherman.

If asking directions in Irving or SE Dallas, you must have knowledge of Spanish. If in central Richardson or on Harry Hines, Mandarin Chinese will be your best bet. If you stop to ask directions on Gaston or Live Oak, you better be armed... and remember, it's legal to be armed in Texas

The wrought iron on windows near Oak Cliff and Fair Park is not ornamental!!

A trip across town east to west will take a minimum of four hours, although many north/south freeways have unposted minimum speeds of 75.

It is possible to be driving WEST in the NORTH-bound lane of EAST NORTHWEST Highway. Don't let this confuse you.

LBJ is called "The Death Trap" for two reasons: "death" and "trap."

If it's 100 degrees, Thanksgiving must be next weekend. If it's 10 degrees and sleeting/snowing, the Fort Worth Stock Show is going on. If it has rained 6 inches in the last hour, the Byron Nelson Golf Classic is in the second round (if it's spring) - and it is the Texas State Fair if it's fall.

If you go to the Fair, pay the $8.00 to park INSIDE Fair Park . Parking elsewhere could cost up to $2500 for damages, towing fees, parking tickets, and possibly a gunshot wound. If some guy with a flag tries to get you to park in his yard, run over him.

Any amusement parks, stadiums, arenas, racetracks, airports, etc., are conveniently located as far away from EVERYTHING as possible so as to allow for ample parking on grassy areas.

Final Warning: Don't Mess with Texas Drivers ... remember, it's legal to be armed in Texas

***I actually live in the Fort Worth area and I could easily interchange the street names here but I thought I'd leave this as is. If you are from Fort Worth, you can just as easily use North South East West and NE NW SE SW LOOP 820 (yes, this is just one highway), I20 which is often confused with 820, I35E, I35W (which runs north and south) the mix master AND 183 are our "death traps", and the countless names for each of these roads depending on where you are on them. Shout out to Brenda for sending me this!

Monday, March 3, 2008


Two days ago I was wearing shorts and enjoying the warm weather. Tonight, it's snowing. A LOT. It's dark outside, but I'm going to take my camera to work to try and get some decent memories.

Stay warm!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Picture Time!

Taken on this beautiful sunny Saturday...