Sunday, March 16, 2008

Congratulations! It's A Boy!

I'm hoping this week won't be as long as this day will probably be. I'm babysitting my daughter's cat because she is working all week since it is Spring break from school. So far there's been much hissing and growling since I've been home from work. Zelda, our guest of the week, was suppose to be a girl. I informed my daughter that Zelda is not a girl at all, but a budding boy. I have two un-spayed girls that live with two neutered boys. I don't THINK Zelda is ready for da big boy times, but I can tell you if either of my girls get pregnant, the babies are going to my daughter's house. :-) Love you, K! She was able to find a clinic in Denton where she lives where she can get her Zelda snipped for very, very cheap.

He's a beautiful cat and VERY energetic and is, quite frankly, in cat heaven over here. Lots of windows to bird watch, a big giant thing to climb on and toys in every corner. I'm hoping things will settle down quickly. He seems to be making himself at home quicker then the others are welcoming the visit.

My girls are mad at me now because I PROMISED no more kittehs. I wish they could understand me when I tell them that the handsome visitor is just a visitor.


1 comment:

Jerrine Absher said...

One more and I swear a call will be made to the animal control people! :)