Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

I've been ignoring you.  I know.  The last few months I've not taken the time to be here.  I know.  So you know, there is nothing wrong over here.  I'm doing just fine.  I'm just very uninspired.  It might be the georgous weather we've been having.  Hard to do anything other than just sit and enjoy it.  We've had cold, wind and rain like it was yesterday, then glorious, clear and cloudless 70 degree days like today with very low humidity.   In our neck of the woods, the kids are going to have fantastic trick or treat weather.  If anyone still does that.

The hole in my wall is now fixed.  Might wait until after the first of the year before painting, though.  Depends on if I can get inspired.  HA.  It's primed/sealed though.  One wall is, at least.  I have pictures of the progress.  Not sure when those will ever get put up.

Seriously... totally.... uninspired. 

Have a goulish night. 

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Wedding Day

Oh, internets... I don't even know how to describe to you how much fun I had yesterday at my Nephew's wedding. There was family, food, a killer band, dancing, lots of family... when I got home last night I just couldn't stop thinking about the day.

My brother, the father of the groom, won the prize for the most tears. Seeing him that way made me lose it. Then my mom started. Then my youngest nephew, not the one getting married but the brother to the one that was, lost it, too. I learned a thing or two about my family yesterday. Crying was genetically passed down from my mother as was dancing. I inherited the crying part, but definitely not the dancing part. But I got to dance with my oldest brother and regardless of the fact that my brother can dance and I cannot, it was a moment I will cherish for a long time. It made me very aware of how much I have missed him and how little I get to see him.

One of the best highlights of the evening was seeing my mother dance. She would not have been able to do that last year at this time. She's still having some trouble with her hip replacement that she had about 7 months ago... but seeing her up and dancing made me tear up as much as the wedding did. Best family quote of the night: "Your Dad says that when I drink, it goes straight to my feet." This was after a beer and a half.

If I don't do another thing the rest of my vacation, this was worth taking the time off.

My new niece (niece-in-law?), Hannah and my nephew, Cody:

I have no idea who the officiant was, but she sat down at the family table before the ceremony to talk and she is one of the nicest people I have ever met. She caught me while I was up walking around and she hugged me as she and her husband were leaving. If I ever get married again (HA HA HA) I'm calling that lady to perform it. She did an outstanding job.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Hard to believe in 47 degree weather I'm sweating like a pig. Remind me never to go grocery shopping in a sweatshirt again no matter what the temp is.

WalMart run early this morning. I flirted with the stockers as I messed up where they had just fronted. Got home and got everything put up before the sun even came up. I wish I was on vacation every day.

One of my nephews is getting married today. Could have sworn he was 12 just last week. He's still too young to get married, I think... even though he's older than I was when I got married. But still.

Got the wall textured last night and bought some sealer at WalMart this morning. I may end up painting soon. Sigh.

Have a wonderful New Moon Sunday.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Vacation Day 4

Time is just zooming by over here. Only 5 more days left.

I mowed my weeds during the beautiful day yesterday. My Dad came over and edged and did some weed-whacking on the perimeter of my yard. I'll prolly get out today and weed-whack up around the house to get ready for Winter AND because it's going to be another beautiful day.

For anyone who doesn't remember, a while back I daintily extended my rump while moving my furniture around and that dainty posterior went through the wall. I tried to find the story to link to it but as you can see, I failed. ANYWAY... Dad also came over yesterday and mostly fixed the large butt-sized hole in my wall. I say mostly 'cause he did the hard part and I am waiting for the mud to dry so I can sand and apply more, then texture, and maybe paint some. Here's a before and after with completed after photos when I get there:

My Dad rocks!

And here's a pretty day picture of Cricket I took while the camera was out:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

If You Light It, They Will Come

This was the scene last week after I lit the fire for the first time and brought out the winter cat beds.

Too hot for that this week, though. In the last two weeks we've had almost constant wetness in the form of rain, drizzle AND fog. The radio people said that so far there have only been two days with no precipitation in October. I'm beginning to feel as if I live in another state. Last week the lows got down in the 40's, my coffee tasted twice as good, I slept SO good in the darkened daylight hours and I started taking a sweater to work. This week it is much warmer, but we're still getting rain. I am one of the very few people you will never hear complain about the rainy weather. I love this weather.

As of about an hour ago, I'm officially on staycation. (I just added that word to my dictionary) I am SO off of work for 9 whole days. Co-workers kept asking, "so where ya going?" I kept answering, "ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE!" And I'm totally excited about it. Leave it to me to be excited about getting to do more of nothing. But I am! And I plan on doing a happy dance later.

Friday, October 9, 2009

A New Day

As I slept peacefully with my air conditioner on again, storms came through and I was woke up by thunder. I opened the back door to get a closer look at the rain and a blast of cold air rushed past my head and although it was pouring outside, the air promised MUCH cooler temps. I love this time of year where the storms are not near as bad compared to our Spring storms... or at least not as scary.

My children came to see their old mama yesterday evening. Can't remember when I had them both in the same room at the same exact time. I was in mommy heaven. The occasion was nothing special but that's the best time to get a visit from either one of them. I fixed my son's hair per request. He had to use a different hair stylist since he couldn't fit his regular lady in with their schedules. And mostly I sat back and just looked at each of them. My grown children. With their own busy lives. Happy. Taking in the moment and savoring it then and now on this early stormy morning.

It was 57 degrees when I started this post. It's now down to 52. It was almost 90 degrees yesterday with 100 percent humidity. I have my front door open and my back door open. All the lights are off except for the glow of this computer screen. I think I'll go take a moment and sit on the couch and just listen to the wind and rain and the soft rumblings of thunder... and the kitties chasing back and forth and up and down.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Day

It's not often we have fog so thick that it rolls right on into the house. There was one time last year when it happened and then this morning. I worry about my electronics.

It's so humid today, after a day of beautifully dry, cool air. This weather is just so weird. But the wind has picked up so the fog is gone, leaving behind a breezy, humid day until the next front comes through.

I'm feeling a bit icky today. But it wasn't unexpected. Oh yes, I can tell days in advance that I'm going to feel like crap soon. Plus the calendar tells me, too. Last month I realized I get about a week and half of really good days and the rest just lead up to this week of the month. But I haven't had my rain pain during all this rain we've had the last few weeks. Well... I MIGHT have had a little in my feet, but definitely nothing to complain about.

I've had lots of visitors to my Lantana out front this year. It's hit it's last stage of blooming for the season probably and the butterflies are all over that stuff. I just stepped outside and got these pictures:

Beautiful! I love nature.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

For Brenda

There are so many of us blessed with these strange little creatures we call cats. These furry, purry bundles of love and aloofness rolled all into one, love us no matter how we look or how we feel. They come into our homes and hearts and allow us to stay with them.

They are there when we are sad. They are there when we are stressed. They distract us from the every day meanness outside of our homes. They make us laugh. They cure our loneliest moments.

And they are never here long enough no matter how long they are here. But isn't that the same with everything living? Family, friends, pets, flowers... While we the living keep going, we are left with the reality that we will one day die, too. Today, tomorrow, 20 years from now. Yet while we are here, we are the ones who are sad when we lose a loved one, no matter if they are furry.

Some scoff at the sadness when we lose a pet. I feel sorry for those people. Because it is a sure sign that they have never loved, nor been loved by a pet... and what a sad life they must have.

My friend, Brenda, lost her kitty yesterday after an illness. My heart breaks for her because I know of the love she had for Whitney. Even knowing that she had lived a very long and happy life, it's never easy on those of us that are left behind.

Time helps us learn to accept the loss of someone/something we love. But the spirit of that love will live on in us the rest of our days. It is impossible to replace them. All we can ever hope for is the chance to get to love again. It will never be the same love that you had for the one's who have passed... but it CAN be as great... and that's the blessing that life gives us. The ability to love again.

Brenda... I am so deeply sorry for your loss. I know you know how hard it is going to be for a while and I wish there was a way to ease your pain. Her memory will never die, though. You will always, always have that. You're in my thoughts, dear friend, and I'm sending you a big giant hug across the internet.

In memory of Whitney

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Still Not Famous

I was hoping to regale you with the story of my interview with an ABC producer, but alas... there is not much to tell.

I got an email last week from someone who identified themselves as a producer of ABC 20/20 news. They are supposedly doing a story on Cat Ladies and this producer came across the old blog here. I wrote her back and she wrote me back asking for a picture and a phone number and was supposed to call on Monday. There was no call. So, of course now, I'm thinking it was all a scam. Or she read deeper into my blog and realized what a terrible, terrible mistake she had made.

But back in August I got an email from a guy by the name of Gwilym Wogan who was writing a song a day for a couple of months. He says in his email: "Today I ended up at your blog while googling to see if anybody had written about how unfair it is that men can't be Cat Ladies. It seems that nobody has (which is what I was hoping), so I wrote this song. It doesn't actually have anything to do with your blog, but since I kept switching between working on the song and looking at your site there's kind of a connection. In my brain."

Well Gwilym, I'll take your connection! And what a cool name!

So here is a song that my blog really didn't inspire, but was involved somewhat remotely with the writing of... kind of... not really.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Two Years

I went and let my anniversary date of my blog come and go without even realizing it. October 1st marked two years of senseless dribble. In the last two years I've posted approximately 525 posts. I say approximate because I have drafts of posts I've never posted and it screws up the count in my account. That sentence was kinda cool.

When I first started this blog I really didn't know how long I could do this. I've written some amazingly boring posts, but there were some funny ones, too, although I blame those on too much cold medicine, pain medicine and/or insomnia. Sometimes all three.

Over the last couple of years I've picked up some regular readers (waving at the regular readers) when I never expected to be read by anyone aside from friends and family (waving at friends and family). As always, thanks for stopping by. You, yes YOU coming here keeps me coming back.

I pulled a 12 hour shift last night. A very busy 12 hour shift.

This morning it is finally crisp outside. And with the crisp, dry air, sounds can be heard from farther away... like they are next door.

Today they are having the annual BISD UIL Marching Band Competition. If I'd had a pen and paper I could tell you who the judges all are. They are from all over the US, though. It's 0832 and the first band of the day has just started.

The sound is traveling so well, I can hear a piccolo. It will be an adventure sleeping soundly today. I expect to be woke up often with the sounds of pounding percussion in my bedroom. The kitties are NOT liking the drums.

Two years ago it was 90 degrees with high humidity and I could only hear the bands warming up. If this post didn't bore you enough, you can go here to read my post about this time of year in 2007.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Cricket Is Addicted To Cat Treats

One thing you can almost always count on with kitties... they love their routines. They have an uncanny sense of time and I wouldn't put it past them to know how to read a clock.

When it's almost time for me to go to work, that's when Libby shows up and acts all loving and needy when the rest of her day is spent chasing and attacking everything and sleeping. She has made me late to work more than once from this. She knows I can't resist her.

They all know when I come home in the morning that it's time to eat. I can come home any other time of the day and they are all off sleeping, only to raise their heads to look and see if it was me or someone new and interesting coming in. I've mentioned before about pulling into my drive in the mornings and seeing a cat sitting at the window, as if waiting for me, and by the time I get through the back door, all of them are there to greet me.

Spazz knows that after feeding time, my butt will be sitting at my computer and he will make his way to the foot rest I have sitting next to my chair for pets and brushes.

Cricket knows when it's treat time. A few in the morning when I get home, a few when I wake up and a little bit more right before I go to work. And there's nothing that will mess with them more than when you vary from the daily routines... like when I am too lazy to get out of the house to go buy more cat treats when I am out. Like now.

So I'm off to run errands, including a cat treat run. And yes, when I come home with grocery bags they all come running because they just never know when I'll come home with a new cat toy or more food.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Even Babies Are Affected

I LOVE this song. This baby stole my moves.