Saturday, October 17, 2009

Vacation Day 4

Time is just zooming by over here. Only 5 more days left.

I mowed my weeds during the beautiful day yesterday. My Dad came over and edged and did some weed-whacking on the perimeter of my yard. I'll prolly get out today and weed-whack up around the house to get ready for Winter AND because it's going to be another beautiful day.

For anyone who doesn't remember, a while back I daintily extended my rump while moving my furniture around and that dainty posterior went through the wall. I tried to find the story to link to it but as you can see, I failed. ANYWAY... Dad also came over yesterday and mostly fixed the large butt-sized hole in my wall. I say mostly 'cause he did the hard part and I am waiting for the mud to dry so I can sand and apply more, then texture, and maybe paint some. Here's a before and after with completed after photos when I get there:

My Dad rocks!

And here's a pretty day picture of Cricket I took while the camera was out:

1 comment:

gatofish said...

Yay, home improvement success!

Cricket has the look of a gato surprised by paparazzi. :)

Also, wanted to point you to these that I saw on another blog. I've already bought myself a pair! Go to and search T.U.K. Women's cat mary jane.