Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Still Not Famous

I was hoping to regale you with the story of my interview with an ABC producer, but alas... there is not much to tell.

I got an email last week from someone who identified themselves as a producer of ABC 20/20 news. They are supposedly doing a story on Cat Ladies and this producer came across the old blog here. I wrote her back and she wrote me back asking for a picture and a phone number and was supposed to call on Monday. There was no call. So, of course now, I'm thinking it was all a scam. Or she read deeper into my blog and realized what a terrible, terrible mistake she had made.

But back in August I got an email from a guy by the name of Gwilym Wogan who was writing a song a day for a couple of months. He says in his email: "Today I ended up at your blog while googling to see if anybody had written about how unfair it is that men can't be Cat Ladies. It seems that nobody has (which is what I was hoping), so I wrote this song. It doesn't actually have anything to do with your blog, but since I kept switching between working on the song and looking at your site there's kind of a connection. In my brain."

Well Gwilym, I'll take your connection! And what a cool name!

So here is a song that my blog really didn't inspire, but was involved somewhat remotely with the writing of... kind of... not really.


Anonymous said...

Fame is fickle and elusive...not unlike the crazy cat lady. :-)

Anonymous said...

That song is...weird yet somehow entertaining.

gatofish said...

What a bizarre little song. But how cool that ye olde internets has brought such colorful characters to your blog! :)