Wednesday, October 7, 2009

For Brenda

There are so many of us blessed with these strange little creatures we call cats. These furry, purry bundles of love and aloofness rolled all into one, love us no matter how we look or how we feel. They come into our homes and hearts and allow us to stay with them.

They are there when we are sad. They are there when we are stressed. They distract us from the every day meanness outside of our homes. They make us laugh. They cure our loneliest moments.

And they are never here long enough no matter how long they are here. But isn't that the same with everything living? Family, friends, pets, flowers... While we the living keep going, we are left with the reality that we will one day die, too. Today, tomorrow, 20 years from now. Yet while we are here, we are the ones who are sad when we lose a loved one, no matter if they are furry.

Some scoff at the sadness when we lose a pet. I feel sorry for those people. Because it is a sure sign that they have never loved, nor been loved by a pet... and what a sad life they must have.

My friend, Brenda, lost her kitty yesterday after an illness. My heart breaks for her because I know of the love she had for Whitney. Even knowing that she had lived a very long and happy life, it's never easy on those of us that are left behind.

Time helps us learn to accept the loss of someone/something we love. But the spirit of that love will live on in us the rest of our days. It is impossible to replace them. All we can ever hope for is the chance to get to love again. It will never be the same love that you had for the one's who have passed... but it CAN be as great... and that's the blessing that life gives us. The ability to love again.

Brenda... I am so deeply sorry for your loss. I know you know how hard it is going to be for a while and I wish there was a way to ease your pain. Her memory will never die, though. You will always, always have that. You're in my thoughts, dear friend, and I'm sending you a big giant hug across the internet.

In memory of Whitney

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have no idea what this means to me...I was just sitting here thinking about you because I know how much you love your cats and knew that you of all people would know how very hard this is for me so I logged onto your blog and was so surprised, I started crying right when I read the Title of the Blog. I am so lonely without her already & my life will forever be different with her gone. I woke up @ home for the 1st time in 15 1/2 yrs w/out her waiting for me...I missed that so much. I can't stop crying & my heart is aching so badly. I miss that sweet baby so much. Steve & I both missed our lap time w/ her last night, we always took turns.. thank you so much for this tribute, you are so wonderful! I will never forget this Laura! Your Friend, Bren