Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Feelin' Guilty

I can't begin to express to you how sorry I am that I have avoided this place like the Swine Flu. Actually... I think I just did begin. So let me continue...

It seems that any time I want to write about something it's always something that I'm mad about and I'm beginning to think I'm never NOT mad any more. Not only that, it's stuff I've complained about before and as long as I can keep from repeating myself at this point in my life, I'd like to hold on to that for what time I have left... for remembering stuff, that is.

So... let me recap. I hate people. I hate the way they drive. I hate the way they treat each other. Which is why I stay indoors away from them all which results in me being a hermit and never getting out to experience anything good enough to talk about on here.

There. Now I never have to talk about this again.

Hope you had a nice MiLK day.

My Grandmother is now 106 years old.

My son will be 24 in two days.

My children's very first kitty, Hector, died last week. The very first tattoo I got was inspired by his beautiful eyes.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Two Words

American. Idol.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Moments In Time

It felt like a normal chilly morning ride home this morning compared to feeling like I was riding home in an ice cube the previous morning. 27 degrees is much warmer than 12. It's 48 now and it feels like a heat wave. I almost felt guilty about turning on my fire this evening, except I'm freezing... because IT'S ONLY 48 DEGREES!

It was also the first night since Wednesday night that I didn't turn off my water. It was nice coming home and having warm water. Heck... it was just nice having water. The turning off the water was not as inconvenient as I thought it would be, but it was still a pain. If anything... this cold has helped me become more intimate with this house and it's long past.

Speaking of long past and this house... my grandmother turns 106 in 5 days!

And speaking of birthdays, I had a wonderful late birthday dinner a few evenings ago with my kiddo's and their significant others... and Erin. Erin is my children's step sister (on their dad's side) and she is as much a part of my family as my children are and just as cool to hang out with.

I don't talk a lot about my ex-husband here but it's because we've been divorced for so long and he lives his own life and I live mine. In February, I will have been officially divorced from him for 20 years. 21 years if you count the year we were separated. A life time. He re-married about 3 or 4 years after the divorce and they are still married today. Her son is only a year and a half older than my son, and her daughter, Erin, is only 4 days older than my daughter. I don't think I could have hand-picked a step mom for my kids any better than who he chose.

It's a part of my life that I can look back on 20 years later and see how perfectly things worked out, compared to how bleak it looked 20 years ago.

Now everyone needs to turn their head to the side and go AWWWWWWWWW:



Friday, January 8, 2010

It's Midnight In The Garden

And boy is it COLD!!! Capital letters and 3 exclamation points cold! I think I will never bad mouth Summer again. Even with it's hot and sweaty tendencies. I would take some hot and sweaty right now. Okay... all you people can get your heads out of the gutter now.

It's been a bummer of a weekend for me. Haven't gotten anything done that I wanted to. Like taking down the holiday decorations. Yeah... that's right. I still have a tree in my living room. And lights on the house. So it's been a whole week of not getting anything done. Here lately, that's not unusual. I'll be glad when whatever has got me in such a mode of unproductiveness finally let's go. It plays heck with my blogging.

For those of you out there enjoying temperatures above 15 degrees, enjoy.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Digging In

Because it's about to get really freaking cold and stay really freaking cold for several days in a row, there were a few things that needed to be taken care of before I could retire for the night. Behold, the to do's and the I did's...

The Itinerary:
8am Wash dishes
9am Take shower
10am/4pm Sleep, after getting off work at 7am
5pm Buy gallon jugs of water to wash and cook with
5pm Buy drinking water
9pm Fill tub up for flushing toilet
915pm Turn off valve at well house before rain comes in
917pm Turn on all faucets to clear lines

How it went down:
8am to 12pm Played computer game
1pm Slept
530 Played computer game
8pm - Washed dishes
9pm - Took shower
Midnight - Looked outside to see rain and heavy winds had started. Ran and got dressed and drove up to CVS Pharmacy. Bought water and munchies. Drove to What-A-Burger because it could be YEARS before I get out again. Drove home in very gusty winds and sideways rain. Filled up bathtub. Ran to well house and turned off valve. Ran back inside and took off wet clothes. Put on dry clothes. Had sudden urge to poop knowing the water was off.
1230am - Played computer game
1am - Realized I forgot to open faucets and ran to open them.
105am - Typed up this blog post before playing computer game.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

2009 Revisited

I had a different video up before this one. I was not happy with how it came out after viewing it here. So I re-did it. If you didn't see the first video, you will miss absolutely nothing. Happy New Year!!!

2009 from Laura Lopez on Vimeo.