Monday, January 11, 2010

Moments In Time

It felt like a normal chilly morning ride home this morning compared to feeling like I was riding home in an ice cube the previous morning. 27 degrees is much warmer than 12. It's 48 now and it feels like a heat wave. I almost felt guilty about turning on my fire this evening, except I'm freezing... because IT'S ONLY 48 DEGREES!

It was also the first night since Wednesday night that I didn't turn off my water. It was nice coming home and having warm water. Heck... it was just nice having water. The turning off the water was not as inconvenient as I thought it would be, but it was still a pain. If anything... this cold has helped me become more intimate with this house and it's long past.

Speaking of long past and this house... my grandmother turns 106 in 5 days!

And speaking of birthdays, I had a wonderful late birthday dinner a few evenings ago with my kiddo's and their significant others... and Erin. Erin is my children's step sister (on their dad's side) and she is as much a part of my family as my children are and just as cool to hang out with.

I don't talk a lot about my ex-husband here but it's because we've been divorced for so long and he lives his own life and I live mine. In February, I will have been officially divorced from him for 20 years. 21 years if you count the year we were separated. A life time. He re-married about 3 or 4 years after the divorce and they are still married today. Her son is only a year and a half older than my son, and her daughter, Erin, is only 4 days older than my daughter. I don't think I could have hand-picked a step mom for my kids any better than who he chose.

It's a part of my life that I can look back on 20 years later and see how perfectly things worked out, compared to how bleak it looked 20 years ago.

Now everyone needs to turn their head to the side and go AWWWWWWWWW:




Filbert Dustwhistle said...


XOXO said...

I really did "Awwwwww!"