Friday, October 9, 2009

A New Day

As I slept peacefully with my air conditioner on again, storms came through and I was woke up by thunder. I opened the back door to get a closer look at the rain and a blast of cold air rushed past my head and although it was pouring outside, the air promised MUCH cooler temps. I love this time of year where the storms are not near as bad compared to our Spring storms... or at least not as scary.

My children came to see their old mama yesterday evening. Can't remember when I had them both in the same room at the same exact time. I was in mommy heaven. The occasion was nothing special but that's the best time to get a visit from either one of them. I fixed my son's hair per request. He had to use a different hair stylist since he couldn't fit his regular lady in with their schedules. And mostly I sat back and just looked at each of them. My grown children. With their own busy lives. Happy. Taking in the moment and savoring it then and now on this early stormy morning.

It was 57 degrees when I started this post. It's now down to 52. It was almost 90 degrees yesterday with 100 percent humidity. I have my front door open and my back door open. All the lights are off except for the glow of this computer screen. I think I'll go take a moment and sit on the couch and just listen to the wind and rain and the soft rumblings of thunder... and the kitties chasing back and forth and up and down.


Anonymous said...

Yeah the oppressive weather situation popped like big zit and it was a giant relief. Yesterday I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, if I had one.

gatofish said...

Lol, I think the storm that blew through your town is just now hitting mine. I heard this rushing loud sound and thought it was a low flying plane going to the airport. It was the wind gusts from the stormline just about to reach us. Woo, cool weather! :)