Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I'm Tired

Although I love cats, it will be nice to have my home free of the extra one. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind having him here, it's just going to be nice when he goes home. My other cats... they mind quite a bit that he's here. I would have thought Cricket, the youngest would have enjoyed the playfulness of someone her age, but alas... she's the one that is having the most problems with our visitor. Spazz, being the patient boy that he is, has actually started to enjoy the new plaything that runs and jumps with him. (Not that Spazz really runs OR jumps, but he tries) Libby is tolerant as long as Zelda doesn't get in her way and Jynx just ignores him entirely. But poor Cricket and Zelda do NOT get along on either end. He doesn't like her, she doesn't like him.

He's a rambunctious thing. He'll run full speed growling the whole time and I'm thinking he's attacking when all he's doing is just running. He gets into more stuff then even MY cats get into and I'm afraid, his being an only child shows. Can you say spoiled rotten?

It will be nice when we are all able to get back to our routine. Even for him.

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