Thursday, April 9, 2009


What a fantastic weather day so far. Right now it's a breezy 70 degrees with bright blue skies and a few wispy clouds left over from this morning's puny rain attempts.

Last night I slept with my window opened to the night air. Only got woke up once when the smell of skunk wafted in... again. I guess the skunks here lately have been nervous because I know they don't always stink. I've watched out my window as a skunk and a couple of her babies walked under it and there was no smell at all. I've seen them run across my yard as I'm walking out to work, without a smell.

My daughter is leaving for Austin tomorrow... with her new boyfriend... who I haven't met yet. She seems to really like him yet I can hear her trying to convince me and I don't know if that is because I have finally become the cynical man-hater and she senses this from my lack of enthusiasm, or if it's because of some subconscious thing on her part because deep down she knows he's gay and will eventually sell her to slave traders who will take her to the head vampire to become his head vampire wife. I'm putting my money on the second one.

How does a mom know when a guy is right for her daughter? I have always taken the stand back approach and just let things work out however they will. I've never had a need to step in because although I know my daughter has been broken-hearted, I've never had any cause to suspect anything more, like physical violence. But is there a way to really know the difference between someone worthy enough of my daughter's love? Is there such a thing at all?

I'm just thankful that she's still brave enough to try.

1 comment:

kryston said...

you'd better let your readers know that i came back from austin safely with no attempts at vampirical wife-trading.

and i promise, once you meet him, you'll know :)