Monday, April 27, 2009

The Haze Of Pain

I haven't had a drippy nose. Didn't have a symptom one until I woke up with a third dimension on my face. And when I woke up that first morning, there was only a little bit of pain...

I've heard people flippantly say that they had a sinus infection. What I have now can't compare to any person I've ever heard say that. The swelling went down after the initial shot of steriod I got at the dirty clinic. Right now, it's back to where it was when I first woke up with it last Saturday, except the pain... OMG, the freaking pain. I'm hoping by tomorrow the antibiotics will finally kick in to ease some of what I've got going on. Unless this was caused by a mold spore, in which case the antibiotics I was prescribed will not do any good, which means this could get even worse and thinking in that direction scares me because I REALLY don't want to go to a hospital and if I would just quit Googling stuff I would not scare myself nearly so bad as I do.

After last night, I don't know if my work will ever let me come back. Maybe when I no longer look like I'm sporting an extra half a face.

It's been 9 hours since my last pain pill and I'm patiently (ha!) waiting for the one I just took to kick in. Sleep is coming in short bursts. Talking hurts. Eating hurts. Breathing out of my nose hurts. Blinking hurts. It's funny... I think back to Friday as I did my yard work, working through the pain. How silly I was just 4 days ago. I didn't KNOW pain, then. In just a few short days, we've become quite intimate, thank you very much. I might even have to take a pregnancy test after all of this.

One thing is for sure... not only will I be that old crazy cat lady who rides around on her riding lawn mower, but now she will also be wearing a dust mask to avoid THIS crap ever happening again. The combination of the windy day and me kicking up lots of dust mowing and picking up old moldy tree branches... there's something in that wild yard of mine that just didn't jive well with the old Maxillary sinus cavity.

Ahhh... the fog of pain meds has finally washed over me. Now it's pain with small bursts of no pain, but I don't know if it's because the pain disappears for a few seconds at a time, or if I'm just high. I just took a couple of photos. They don't do the swelling or the pain justice, although the look on my face is a fine example of intense pain and medication, all wrapped up for your viewing pleasure.

This first pic shows how the swelling has gone all the way down into my neck area. This one I may use as my profile picture after the pain goes away.


donna nolt said...

omg girl you look awful..i'm in sympathy for ya, and working for ya
me and this damn neck's been busy for ems tonight, i know they are hating
get better girl...

XOXO said...

Oh gosh!

I hope you feel better soon. That looks painful!