Monday, May 11, 2009

What I Did

Yesterday, on Mother's Day, I mowed my grass. During the mowing process, I mowed over hundreds of Lady Bugs and honey bees. Normally, I don't pay that much attention to what I'm running over but on my first go around of the yard, I almost ran over a baby bunny. From that point on I was terrified of running over it's siblings so I was paying extra special close to what was in the yard. I saw three little bunnies. Luckily, even though they are impossible to see, especially in thick morning dewed weeds and grass, they DID move just enough for me to see where they were. I went extra slow so it took twice as long as normal. And I ended up mowing around the baby bunnies and now have 3 unmowed patches that make it look like I did a crappy job. I wanted so badly to scoop them up and save them but I know how nature works and I left them in their tall patches of grass to be rescued by their momma later... I hope. It's raining now, so hopefully they found some dry shelter amongst the weed gardens yesterday and when I drove in this morning, I saw nothing dead in the roadway.

While I was mowing very slowly, I saw so much more going on in my yard aside from overgrown weeds. I saw the most beautifully colored flowers. They were small but when I slowed down and really started looking at what I was mowing over there were so many different kinds and they were so detailed and there were SO many ladybugs. It was a beautiful experience and a perfect mother's day gift. I'll be spending my mother's day time with my kids this Tuesday, if my face will behave.

My face is being mean to me again. I just got back from my nice clean and timely doctor, a prescription in each hand. More pain pills. More antibiotics. Whoo hoo! I'm typing this blog waiting for the wonderfulness of no pain to hit before I call in sick to work tonight, yet again. It pains me and makes me feel entirely TOO guilty when I have to call in these days and I'll only call in if I feel it's unsafe for me to be there. Not for my health, but for those of you out there who might need me to not be under the influence of a narcotic when I answer 911. I'm just cool that way.

I'm starting to feel narcotic-y. Think I'll go and lay down now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

damn, I'm sorry you're still down. Email to follow, as it will contain some far-fetched advice.