Saturday, May 30, 2009

Neighbor Stuff

My next door neighbors, the ones closest to my bedroom window, are having a play date today. I believe they have two little girls... maybe 2 and 4 years old. On occasion I will hear them outside playing. They aren't very loud at all and it's actually kind of a soothing sound. Makes me think of when my kids were that young. I would occasionally step outside and look into the window where they were playing video games together. (My son never tiring from kicking any of our butts in whatever game he was playing) It was a quiet moment for me and an interesting point of view for me to be able to watch them interact without them knowing they were being watched. Listening to the little girls play outside is nice.

At the other house that I lived in a few year ago, they had twins (a boy and a girl) who were about 6 or 7 when I moved, and they had an older sister who was about 10 or 11. Geez those kids would scream. They were home schooled and every single day they would be outside when it was at least half way decent and their piercing screams would shatter the entire neighborhood's quiet solitude. Now I get to listen to my mom gripe about it. :-)

Play date today includes the two little girls and about 4 others and they are NOT quiet at all. Then the parents are all out there talking and laughing as well. And there's really no point to this post, like so many others before it. I'm not really complaining because when I finally decide to go to bed I'll be turning on my air conditioner so I won't even hear them. They aren't even annoying me. I guess it's just different noises than what I'm used to hearing and I've not posted a lot lately and my life IS this boring where I have nothing to talk about except the neighbor's play date.

I'm boring. I'm not ashamed to admit it.


Mimi said...

How late were these kids out playing if you were about to go to bed???

Anonymous said...

Zzzzzz... ZZZzzzzz... ZZ--Huh, what?!? Oh yeah. ZZZ...

Kidding. Besides, if you're boring, what does that say about your readers? ;^P

La La said...

LOL Mimi! I forget that there are others who read my blog besides my family and friends. :-) Forgive me... The kids were out playing till about noon. I work night shift, so for me, that's my midnight. But I always stay up that late.