Sunday, May 17, 2009

Time To REALLY Move?

So I was at work last night... which sucked because not only were we pretty busy last night and the night before and I'm so freaking tired of hearing 911 ring I could spit, but it was a 12 hour shift for me as well which made me extra tired and cranky and all I could think about was coming home and having about 4 shots of Vodka, except I haven't drank in about 3 years and really have no desire to now except I'd really like that calm relaxy feel you get once you start getting a buzz, which for me takes about 10 seconds after my first drink so I think I'll just go smell my stash that's about 5 years old now... anyway, one of our water department guys was up there waiting for Oncore to come out and he told me that Euless, Texas had an earthquake yesterday morning which is part of the "Mid-Cities" and in case you don't know, it's part of a group of cities in my area and I live in one of the group that it describes. In other words, it was close. I'm all WTF and you HAVE to be lying, but sure enough I Googled it and there it was. Google also brought up October 31st, 2008 in which a previous earthquake had happened around the Euless and Irving areas. Never heard about that one.

I'm sure the California people feel about Tornadoes the way us Texans feel about earthquakes. We both think each is crazy to live where we do. In the October of 2008 article I read, it talked about the possibility of the gas drilling in the Barnett Shale(which has been hot and heavy the last few years in this area) could have had something to do with it.

Yesterday's earthquake was only a 3.3, but in my opinion, .000000001 is too much. Yeah, I know... craps moving around all the time and I just don't notice it and I'm okay with not noticing it. Ignorance is bliss, remember? But I don't know what the heck to do if an earthquake were to strike. I would probably freeze in my tracks and start crying. I can at least see a storm coming which gives me plenty of time to hide in my closet with my pillows, panic, cry and be relieved when the danger has passed. I like having warning. They don't have earthquake sirens around here, but I have a nice big tornado siren across the street. Here... I'll go take a picture of it.

Guess what? I got a good picture, but Blogger is not letting me upload any pictures at the moment, so that will have to wait for another day. I'm tired and I don't feel like messing with it right now. But trust me. I have one right there!

Anywhoo. Earthquakes suck as bad as my job has the last two nights. Don't matter that I've never felt one. Don't want to. But if I do, I might have to move.

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