Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Anger Managment

I was wrong about kitty-cam. It was saying it was shipped on April 28th when, in reality, it was put on hold for some reason. But it started to move this morning at 0126. Scheduled to be delivered tomorrow. And that's good for my sleep.

I left my phone at work this morning. Being without a phone actually hurts. I guess 'cause I know the one time I don't have my phone is the one time I'm really going to need it.

My female monthly anger issues are/were out of control last night. Then I'm all happy when I finally get to walk out the door and on the drive home all that anger seemed silly and I start to feel bad about being angry in the first place... until I realized I had left my phone at work. Then all that anger seemed right again.

On my way to the highway after leaving work, I have to drive up this one kind of long road. There's a few housing additions, but on one side there's a continuous row of those big, silver, metal, electrical towers. We had storms moving in this morning and it was so humid you could actually see the moisture in the air. I had my window down and as I passed each one of these towers I could hear a very distinctive bzzzzt electrical sound. It was the same sound with each tower that I passed and since I had just left work and I had not yet found my phone missing, I was in a happy place and the sound of each one of those bzzzzts took me back to the house I was born in and lived until I was 17. We had this huge field behind our house and we had those towers out there and any time it drizzled like this morning, they would make those same sounds. But then I started making the bzzzzt sound out loud because I do stuff like that when I'm alone, and it made me think back to that same time when my Mom and I would watch Godzilla and King Kong, or Godzilla and some other different kinds of monsters, and my Mom and I would sit there and one of us would make that bzzzzt sound and the other would go RAWR or any other noise those other monsters would make and I can remember laughing SO hard about that. Then I thought of 'The Killer Tomatoes' and 'Swamp Thing'. Right about then I thought about calling my mom to see how far away the storms were and THAT'S when I discovered my phone missing.

This happens every time I bring a bag of cat food home and wait to put it up:


XOXO said...


My cats do that too.

They could have plenty of food in their dish, but as soon as they see the bag o' food, they start trying to tear it apart.

And I'm sorry you left your phone at work. Not having mine with me at all times and especially misplacing it, drives me nuts!

Anonymous said...

"Then all that anger seemed right again."


Jerrine Absher said...

Less phone = more sleep