Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Rainbows And Lemon Drops

Is there such a place where one can drive, that one does not have to be subject to the awful, awful drivers that are out there in droves on a daily basis? Is there? Because if there is, I want to move there. I'm going to move there. I used to think that my job was a big cause of my daily avoidance of people. Today on the way home from my job, I decided that it's the people I have to be on the same road with that has done it. I want to live in a happy world, where the angry and rushed people don't exist.



Jerrine Absher said...

For Sunshine Lollipops driving you have to find a place with a population of less than say, 5,000, that has nothing to attract tourists or lookie loo's. A general lack of HWY's is preferable too.

Anonymous said...

sweet rendition of SotR!!! Many nice covers out there--you've heard the Hawaiian dude Israel Khgrfouwdgcougeroforfoiw (Last name perhaps terribly mangled), aka "Iz"?

If you happen to run across such a wonderful place, let me know! :)

Roberta said...

You might have to move to a remote island somewhere.