Saturday, May 17, 2008

Woe Is Me

Well... I'm at a loss. Totally and completely. I've read everything I can read, short of going crazy, about routers and how to set them up. I've learned more then I ever wanted to know about IP address', subnet masks, gateway IP address', etc. Last time I connected a router to my computer, there was not one single problem with it. And to think... I was worried about setting up the camera! Silly me. So I think what I'm going to do is just call a loss on this one and invest in a different brand of router, making sure they have a detailed installation CD, not the vague CD manual I got with this particular router. I've heard and read some good things about D-Link routers. Anyone got a better suggestion, I'm open to them all.

Last week my daughter and I went to lunch and then Target. I think I posted about that not too long ago. What I didn't mention, was our trip into Target's CD,DVD,computer games and XBOX isles. She said something about wishing she still had an XBox and I informed her that I still had it if she wanted it. She said heck yay! and we weren't sure if she still had the game Fable for the Xbox, so we grabbed one that was on sale for 10 dollars. We got home, found the Xbox, found the game Fable that she already had for XBox and then we noticed that the Fable game we had bought at Target that day, was for a PC, not the Xbox. Needless to say, I made the mistake of putting Fable on my computer and although I've been working really hard on trying to make my router work, when it comes down to it, I've probably played Fable longer then I worked on the router. It was a lot more fun and I'm NOT sorry!

It was the most unproductive weekend I have ever had, I think. I not only didn't get anything done... I got less than anything done. You would think that would be hard to do. It wasn't.

You know what smells worse then cat diarrhea?