Friday, May 30, 2008

I Was Thinking... Which Is Dangerous

So I'm lying in bed last night and my mind starts to wander, as it often does before I fall asleep... and I realize how expensive a hobby in computers could be. I classify a hobby as anything I very much enjoy doing, yet don't get paid to do. This blog is a hobby, yet I never expect to get a dime for doing it. But oh BOY could I spend some money doing it. For example... my NON Kitty Cam. Good news on that front, though! I think I've FINALLY figured out almost what needs to happen... I just need to do a leeetle more learning on the subject before I completely dive in... and that's just because of security issues.

My other hobbies are painting and gardening. I haven't gardened in a few years, and what I have done, (throwing some seeds in a flowerbed and hoping they will grow) doesn't constitute as gardening to me. To me, gardening involves getting out there and getting dirty, sweaty and sunburned. It's an ever expanding process that year after year makes your environment/home more and more beautiful as the years pass. I've just not done that here in this house. Some of it has to do with my iffy future... some of it has to do with my bad physical health... and there's a little sprinkling of past depression that turned my green thumb to just a regular thumb several years ago.

Painting has been a good hobby for me. I've slowly built up my paint supplies to a point where I don't really have to spend a lot of money on it any more. I enjoy painting very much, but I have to be in the mood to paint otherwise I just sit there and stare at nothing for an hour.

I doubt you have noticed, but it's been a while since I've posted any new pictures of my life around here. That's because I haven't taken any. That's because I've gone and done the most frustrating thing a person can do. I put something up, in it's own special place, so I wouldn't lose it, and then forgot where I put it. Namely, the extra batteries and battery charger for my digital camera. I had a place for it at one time (that drawer in the kitchen) then I went and did a little reorganizing and I can remember thinking it needed a new place besides the kitchen... I just can't remember where I decided to put it. Of course I keep going to the kitchen drawer to see if it decided to show up... but it hasn't.

So here's an old picture that I've titled, NOM NOM NOM:


Jerrine Absher said...

I hope you didn't get it near he garage. The garage eats stuff. Sounds like you need a visit from Captain I'll Find It or Tear Your House Up Till I Do. A systematic search designed to leave nothing in it's path that hasn't been turned every which way, examined thoroughly, and violated immensely. May not be your idea of a solution, I don't know, I'm just saying.

La La said...

HAHA! And you wonder why we don't live together any more??? Just kidding, dear. You know I love ya!