Friday, February 11, 2011

Reason Number 3 Why I Don't Have A Dog

I always knew they were secretly smarter than what they let on.

On a side note, I LOVE me some Neil deGrasse Tyson. If ever I'm asked the question, "If you could have dinner with one famous person dead or alive, who would it be and why?", my answer will forever be, Neil deGrasse Tyson because he's smart, funny, nice looking and I could sit and listen to him talk for days.


Anonymous said...

That's obviously not a real dog. real dogs only know how to chew up your shoes and keep you up nights barking.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I've always loved border collies and herding dogs. And I agree 100% about Tyson! (Okay, 90%, because there's probably a lot of stuff you would want to do with him that I wouldn't.) ;^)

By the way, I really like your Febuary banner--beautiful!