Saturday, February 13, 2010

Digging Out

Had to dig out my car so I could work last night.  When I got stuck and opened the driver's door, the snow was level with the bottom of that same driver's door. 

I realized this morning how very lucky I am to have had power this whole storm.  I couldn't go down a street without seeing workers fixing lines and lines that were down that they had yet to fix.  Lots of chainsaw noises echoing through the frozen fog we were gifted with this morning.  Not sure what my roof will look like once the snow has melted but at least it's still up there.  I lost some very small branches.  My parent's Live Oak tree did not fare so well.  I counted five big branches snapped but still hanging.  They are out of town and don't know that yet, though.  It's sad because that tree was the only privacy they had in their backyard from the monstrosities some call houses that were built 3 feet behind their back fence. 

How come all the really good support bras makes me look like a throw back from the 50's?  You know... all pointy.  Okay, maybe I need to redefine "really good".  Did I spend more than 25 dollars on it?  No.  But it wasn't one of those 10 dollar no name disasters either.  Then again, could be I'm just used to the worn out saggy things I've been wearing for too long now. I bet you're glad I started blogging again.

1 comment:

Mr. Bobilla said...

LOL Pointy!!!