Friday, March 11, 2011

Just A Thought

In light of the recent earthquake in Japan, I took some time out this evening to watch some footage on YouTube that people have put up that were there. Scary stuff to this Texas girl who has never experienced such a thing. Out of all of the video footage I saw, and there are more to come I'm sure, there was one thing I didn't see in ANY of videos.

The most notable natural disaster that has hit my country that I can recall was hurricane Katrina. The big hurricane that hit Louisiana and the surrounding states several years ago. Granted, I was not there, but again, lots of footage on YouTube.

The difference between the two? There was not one single video I found for the Japan earthquake that involved looters.


Anonymous said...

...and they say I have high observasional skills due to AS.
This post speaks volumes. I will have to share your discovery and obviously claim credit for myself.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the looters stole all the video cameras! ;^P

There are criminals everywhere--Japan is not immune. Yakuza, for example...