Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veteran's Day

It surprises me sometimes how  excited I am when it's my weekend when all I'm going to do is nothing.  Getting out of my car this morning, I breathed a sigh of relief knowing I didn't have to drive again for two whole days!   I'm over the top with happiness.  I think I could easily fall into the agoraphobia lifestyle, just as long as I still felt safe enough to go out into my yard from time to time.  Not sure if the agoraphobics (agoraphobists?) allow such a thing, though.

Fall is here as far as the trees go around my place.  The neighbor's tree across the street threw up it's entire load in what seemed like two days... half of said load landing in my yard.  Not that that bothers me or anything... just an observation that made me smile a little when I saw it.   I see a few little stragglers left up there, but not many.  My oaks are just now starting to fall and my pecan tree is dropping nuts faster than the squirrels can pick them up and bury them away.  I had a few tasty ones the other day.  It made me think of my grandfather, who I never got to meet, standing under the same tree 60 some odd years ago and also testing the crop.  I was told that he cross bred that tree with another type so that the shells were really thin and the nuts were much bigger and that it has since gone back to the way it once was.  These are very small pecans.  My parent's pecan tree makes really large ones and I noticed when I was over there last that they are getting a pretty good crop this year as well. 

So it's November and all.  I wish the days would slow down just a little bit.  I'm really loving these beautiful days and I know the really cold will be here soon. 

For all you Northerners that might be reading this, 40 degrees is considered really cold in Texas.  And any time it is 32 degrees or less, we think we might as well be living in Alaska. 
Some November pictures for you:


Anonymous said...

Yay! On behalf of your blog junkies, thank you!

La La said...


Anonymous said...

Very nice pictures, by the way.