Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Cricket has become incredibly spoiled this past year. Not that every one of the others aren't, it's just that she's my sweetie.

I noticed this past Winter that when I would rinse out a dish, or for whatever reason had an occasion where I'd run the hot water,  that Cricket would patiently wait to the side (safely away from any and ALL running water) until I was done and she would immediately go in the sink and start lapping up the warm water. So she started to get a cup of warm water every morning. And she would drink it.

Now that it is hot and miserable, she'll take a large glass of ice water please and thank you, but only if it's filtered water. Cheating and using cold tap water doesn't work.


Anonymous said...

How cute! Have you ever let her drink from a trickling faucet? Apparently, some cats looove that.

La La said...

No way! Not her. Any time the water is turned on, she beats it as far away as she can get, unless she's thirsty, then she'll get as far away as she can get but still be able to see what's going on. The others could care less either way about the running water. I've tried to entice them with trickles and they've been curious, but never enough to ask for it. Libby is more intrigued when the toilet is flushed. She likes watching the water (or, ew, whatever is in the toilet at the time) go round and round and I often catch her drinking from it. I did have a cat one time that CONSTANTLY wanted the water turned on for a drink. My mom finally had to make a rule that if we turned the water on for him, we had to stand there until he was done. Too many times all of us had turned it on and forgotten about it. One of these days I'm going to break down and get one of those electric cat fountains. I'm just too cheap and lazy to do it. :-)

XOXO said...

My Holly drinks from the kitchen sink. But only if I leave it trickling JUST SO.

And of course, I always do. :-)

And of course, I get griped at for walking off and forgetting it's been trickling for an hour!

But it's worth it, I think!