Thursday, July 22, 2010

What's UUUP?

I woke up this morning for the first time in a long time feeling better than I have in several months.  There are reasons for this that I will not be going into here, but suffice it to say that things in the crazy household may be settling down to it's old boring and undramatic craziness.

Here's a quick update for the last few months:

It rained like heck the first part of July.  Now it's hot as heck with no rain in site. 

My daughter got a puppy, Rosie:

who is no longer a puppy!
And my son got a puppy, Lucy:
but she's still a puppy.

I got no puppies. All I have is my same old kitties. But I'm happy with my same old kitties and I think they are, too.

My parents have gotten into Geo-caching. With each of their last few trips my Dad has printed off locations close to where they would be staying. My mom is loving the freedom of her new and improved hip. I've been loving seeing her so happy and in no pain.

The city I work for is having a city wide disaster training day coming up the first of August. I've been knocking around the idea of going and helping out(yeah, I know, Ms. Unsociable is thinking about doing something with OTHER PEOPLE!)but the timing is going to be iffy for me for several reasons. I promise to let you know how it goes. Just a week or so to wait!

Somewhere in the mess that is my desk I have a camera battery that has needed charging for the last 6 months. I think I'll find that today and start taking pictures again. I feel random pictures are in order for future blog posts.


Anonymous said...

Good puppy picts!

Anonymous said...

LIKE! I am very happy that you feel all happy & bloggy again. And maybe you can go geocaching with your folks--strangely addictive...