Saturday, January 15, 2011


It's what we have today. Dreary, cloudy, drizzly.

Workers came Thursday and tore out the rest of the ceiling in the back bedroom and hauled out the mess. Then they put up some insulation. Friday they came back and put up more insulation and installed the drywall then taped and bedded everything. Looks nice. Monday they will come back and texture.

Now I'm sitting here drinking hot chocolate and enjoying the solitude listening to my cool Pandora radio station. Got some incense burning as well as a candle.

It's a quiet Saturday morning and I'm still not back at work. My supervisor called yesterday and was all, "Hell NO you're not coming back sounding like that!" and I'm all, okay. Maybe Monday. Monday is my deadline. This all started the 23rd of December. I'm long past the point of being tired of it, and frustrated. My mom is long past being worried.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That whole throat thing is pretty bizarre--seems weird that it would last this long. Best wishes!

Do you think there might be anything in your environment, like mold or something, that is pissing your throat off? Just grasping at straws.

Best wishes for a speedy/speedier recovery!