Thursday, January 3, 2008

Which Way Is Up?

***Added Edit to end of post***

One of the drawbacks of working midnight shift (during Winter) is that when you awaken in your warm cozy bed and look at your clock and see it is 6:52, see that it is still dark outside, you will lay there and ponder for at least 10 minutes if it is evening or morning. I was well aware it was a day off, so I knew it could be either. The disorientation this causes is an instant waker-upper.

In the end... I soon found out it was morning. But is it trash day?

I'm disappointed in our Winter this year. We had a snow day, but it could have been described as more of a fluke snow day. None of it stuck to the ground and it was over in about 15 to 30 minutes. Nothing since that day. Last year I got some really good pictures of some snow covered ground by this time. Granted, it's only the 3rd of January and we get most of our snow during this month so maybe we will still get some.

I'm not one who stresses over global warming. I believe it to be true and happening, but it's happening so slow I'll be long gone before any serious dire effects come from it... like the earth flooding and stuff. Well... I take that back. The bad air that is causing said global warming is affecting me and my family now and I can't deny that. I've lived in this area my whole life. I've lived here long before it became the bustling city it now is. I know I've already posted on my disappointments of how much this city is nature-less with too many people and way too many cars. But 30 years ago (and the fact I can accurately say that particular phrase disturbs me greatly) I would build snowmen with my neighbor, go sledding with waxed cardboard homemade sleds down other neighbor's driveways, go sneaker skating on iced over roadways and eat snow ice cream my dad would make. My kids have maybe experienced this twice in their lifetime. Don't remember if they've ever tasted homemade snow ice cream. Sure we get a little snow here from time to time, even now. But it's nothing like it use to be. I'm no scientist or meteorologist, but I believe the amount of people and cars in this area now prevents the snows we use to get when I was a kid. If that is part of global warming, then I AM seeing it now.

I would just love a snow day where I could go outside and have my feet sink into the snow up to my knees and be the first one to make footprints in a blank canvas... I want a snow day so I can go outside and listen to the silence that snow always brings. If I were a boy, I would want to write my name in the snow. :-)

My goal today is to get something done. Anything. I don't even care what it is. But I need to get at least one thing done today. It gets frustrating with every day off that I have getting absolutely nothing done. So today I will get at least one thing done. I'll let you know tomorrow what it ended up being.

So I'm sitting here... still not doing anything and I noticed it was kind of cloudy outside and I happened to pull up the radar. There is a line of snow about 20 miles just west of where I'm still just sitting. I'm wondering if it will get here. It's 33 degrees outside now. I did not see the news or look at the radar prior to posting this morning. Maybe after I fell asleep on the couch last night with the TV on I subconsciously heard the weatherman say a chance of snow today or something. Which really probably didn't happen since the only time it snows here is when the weather people swear it's not going to.

Seriously going to go do something constructive now...

1 comment:

XOXO said...

It's suppose to be 78 on Sunday.

78. Almost 80. In January.

I want to cry. :-(