Friday, January 4, 2008

Damn You!

When I first started this blog in October, early on I listed a bunch of shows that I would be interested in seeing, those that already had me hooked and some old favorites. Since that blog post, I have discovered Where, if I missed an episode of a show I have been watching, I could go and watch it online. Which actually has been great for at work when I need something to occupy my mind. And then the writer's strike. The new episodes of all the shows that I have watched this season ran out of new shows and there's been nothing new to watch at work.

One show that a lot of people watch that I've never seen before, is Lost. I was never interested in seeing it and I felt after not watching the first season, it would be one of those shows that you wouldn't understand if you tried getting in on the middle of it. Well... has posted season 1, season 2, and season 3 online. And I made the mistake yesterday of watching the pilot episode. And then I watched the next one... and the one after that... and now I am hooked. Each episode is about 45 minutes long and there are 24 episodes in the first season alone. I only hope that leaves all these episodes up long enough for me to watch them all. Oh, glorious nights at work are to come!!!

I got a few things actually done yesterday. In between Lost episodes, that is. I need to vacuum and get over to my parent's house today to drop off mail, rent, laundry and to visit. And I am going to have to turn on my stereo loud enough to cover the calling of my computer to my backside. (I would have said "ass" here, but I got in trouble from my kids saying it at my brother's house on Christmas so I'm refraining from using that term in any public form whatsoever. But I've nick-named all my cats Ass, so if you come over to my house, expect to hear it a LOT.)

We had an employee at work quit this morning. Which means one of our dispatchers who is actually a police officer who came into dispatch until an opening came available, will now no longer be called a dispatcher, which means, 12 hour shifts until we can find someone to replace him. I'm not against 12 hours shifts. More money and more time to watch Lost.

Time to get my day started...

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