Thursday, July 9, 2009


My blog is as blank as my brain has been. I'm sorry internets. Part of doing a blog, if you want to keep your visitors coming back, is to update, update, update. I've not been doing a good job in that area. But it's hard to blog about absolutely nothing, even though when I post, that's pretty much what I'm posting about anyway.

My cats are cranky. Well... Jynxy and Cricket are. Libs and Spazz seem to be doing fine and they have been staying well away from those other two. I'm thinking Jynx must have done something to piss Cricket off. I blame Jynxy because he's my jealous kitty and I have seen him sneak up on Spazz before and bite the crap out of him when he's sleeping. Cricket loves everyone. Except for the last few days.

I came home on Monday morning and I could tell something was up. Libby and Spazz were acting like they had just witnessed a cat fight and Cricket was bowing up to Jynxy, turning her head sideways and looking all mean and growling at him. I had to put Jynx outside on the back porch. This was not a punishment, by any means. It is my only means to separate the cats when or if the need arises, and this was such an occasion. They hang out on the back porch on a regular basis, and it's more a punishment to NOT let them go out there.

Tuesday was better, but Cricket was still wanting to jump all over Jynx and chase him around and make him hiss. You see... Jynxy is one who will instigate a fight, but becomes this frightened abused kitty once he realizes he's NOT the king of the mansion and someone kicks his butt back. Then he acts like he's always getting picked on and runs to mama for protection. Seriously... I've seen it a hundred times.

Wednesday things were back to normal, more or less. I caught Jynxy and Cricket giving each other nose kisses, each without incident. Then, during one of my many bathroom breaks, Cricket was being all sweet and went to do another nose kiss and Jynxy hissed at her and Cricket just walked off, like, "whatever, dude".

Things are calm this early morning Thursday. Cricket is still off sleeping somewhere and the other three are out back watching the bunny. I'm wondering what I'm going to do today and with whom and deciding when I'll be sleepy again...

...and blogging about nothing. I blame everything on the heat.

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