Thursday, December 10, 2009

Clear And 23 Degrees

This is the time of year where I notice how incredibly drafty my house is. It's 23 outside right now, but it's a warmer 23 than yesterday's 23 because the wind is not blowing this morning. My goal is to get the inside of my house to reach 60 degrees at some point today.

My son is graduating college on the 19th of this month. About a week away. That young man has worked his rear off since he graduated high school. Having a full time job and going to school full time... I think he's not going to know what to do with all the spare time he will have. I've already chosen the box of Kleenex that I will be taking with me to the ceremony.

My visitor count has gone down drastically since I quit blogging. I'm the world's worst about not wanting to keep up with a blog when they don't update regularly. I think things are settling down here and I should be back a little more often than I have been the last couple of months. I'm at least going to try. Thank you for hanging with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, time flies! Congrats all around!