Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009

Every year as a child, I would wake up on Christmas morning and look outside to see if it had snowed.  For the first time in my life, when I woke up THIS Christmas morning, there is a blanket of snow and ice covering everything.  It's my very first white Christmas.

Now I sit here eating a piece of pumpkin bread, sipping my hot coffee waiting on the house to warm up.  I still feel pretty tired from the last few days of baking and other holiday stuff and if it wasn't Christmas morning, I would finish my bread and coffee and go BACK to bed.  I might still if it's early enough.  I only have about 45 minutes of dark left before the sun comes up and sets the snow aflame with sparkles.  I would like to get a picture of that.  But for now... here's some pictures from our "blizzard like" conditions that we had yesterday that led to this morning's white Christmas:

I missed church yesterday.  I got so preoccupied with the turkey and having everything ready to eat that the time got away from me.  Then with the snow and things going very badly traffic wise very quickly I just didn't want to chance driving home in the dark.  Yeah, I know I'm a big baby.  But by the end of the night, all of my family was safe at the places they needed to be, the dinner was a success with my daughter proclaiming that it was the best turkey she had ever eaten in her life (only the second one I had ever made but I proclaim it my first because the only thing I remember about the first one was pulling the packages of body parts out of the cavity) and finally pure exhaustion took over and I  passed out a little after midnight.

All in all... it was a magical Christmas Eve.  The snow will melt quickly this morning once the sun comes out, but for now it's 24 degrees and alls frozen solid outside.  I'm thinking I'm feeling a nap coming on already...


gatofish said...

Thank you for the lovely Christmas snow! Here in Mobile all we got was a massive thunderstorm that brought tornado watches. :) At least is blew over quickly.

Merry Christmas to you and your family (including, of course, your gatos)!

PS. With snow like that, I think I'd crawl back into bed, too.

Felix said...

A Christmas I will not soon forget.