Wednesday, March 24, 2010


It was a long week back at work. Stayed pretty busy. It wasn't until about 4am this morning that I realized it was my Friday. It made those last three hours much more tolerable.

My yard is screaming at me to mow. I might try and do that today before the rain comes in. The air is heavy with the feeling of thunderstorms. Before I mow, though, I'm going to have to go around the yard and look for tiny bunnies. The clovers are in big giant mounds and they love to hide in there. I don't think I could live with myself if I knew I mowed over a baby bunny. Almost did it last year which is why I know to look first this year. Plus I've seen a total of three bunnies running around at night time when I'm going to work so I know there are probably some somewhere.

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