Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Spazz Says "Meow"

It never fails to make me smile when I pull into my drive and see a kitty watching out for me. One of my co-workers said that they do this because they are the look-out for the others that are inside having a party. I tried to explain to him that they have parties while I'm there so there would be no reason for them to hide it. Then we both got a little weirded out by the conversation and we went back to work.

It never fails to break my heart when I pull out of my drive and see a kitty watching me leave... even if I'm just going to the store.

I had a dream yesterday that I was pulling out kitty litter clumps from the catbox with my hands. Not sure what that one is trying to tell me.

I took an impulse day off of work last night. The night before that I rode out with one of my officers. Supervisorally suggested. I think the new guy is going to work out just fine. A couple of hours ago, he and I played Texas Hold'em on Facebook together. He's a crazy fake gambler.

I think this is the first time in my department's history that the guys outnumber the girls 3 to 2... but only if you count the supervisor who does fill in when needed. I can remember a time when I was always the youngest dispatcher. It's a sobering thought to know I will never fill that seat again.

I just put in a new pair of contacts. Life is crisp again.

I've had the same NetFlix movie DVDs at my home for two weeks now. Still haven't watched them. But I regularly use the Watch Instantly feature.

My weather forecast calls for showers in our area in the next day or so.

1 comment:

XOXO said...

To get to our apartment we walk past our patio that has a sliding glass door. I get so excited when I see one of the kitties waiting for me.

Sometimes I'll stop and talk to them through the glass. More than once, I've gotten strange looks from passers-by. :-)