Monday, August 31, 2009

Reclassifying The Disease

So you know about my "rain pain". Come on now... I KNOW I told you. Don't say you don't remember. I don't think I can call it that any more. Maybe just PAIN. All caps included.

I was so happy on Friday. I was pain free for the first time in weeks. It lasted for less than 24 hours.

And then I was excited to tell you about my new best friend, but it hasn't worked out between us. Well... not entirely. I think some experimentation still needs to be done before I can say for sure. It's called Voltaren Gel. And it is a prescription gel used to apply to places of arthritic pain. It worked on one of my little toes. I think. One of the weird things with this pain is that it likes to travel. My wrist can hurt now, but three hours from now it may be fine and my toe will then hurt. Then my toe pain goes away after a day and I wake up and now it's in a thumb. Then it will move to the tip of a finger or two. Sometimes it arrives and stays in one place until it goes away again. Sometimes... like now... it can't make up it's mind (and I know it has one) and hits me in several different places at once. So I really can't say for sure if my little toe has been made to feel better by the gel, or if the pain has just moved on, because I used the gel on the back of my heel and on my wrist and they still hurt. In fact... my freaking foot hurts so bad I'd like to cut it off right now.

All of this pain started about three weeks ago with only a couple of days of reprieve. We've had a few small rain showers but it's not going away. I think last month I had a small episode and no rain. We have no rain in the forecast now. But the no forecast for rain has happened before and sure enough a stray shower will pop in and when it pops out, so has the pain. It has become a sort of joke in our family. I would talk to my mom and tell her, it's going to rain soon, and she would be all, but the weatherman said nothing, and the next day, rain. Hence... my reason's for calling it rain pain. Which I guess, if I have to have a painful 'disease', I'm lucky it's one where I don't hurt all the time.

I'm sure I've talked about this before and if you have read something that you've read previously, then I apologize. When the pain has been as bad as it's been the last couple of weeks, it's hard for me to think of much else. It can become all consuming. I think of my mother who just recently went through hip surgery and the pain she endured before. Constant, excruciating, never ending. At least I know there's an ending, eventually, to the pain. And I am very well aware of how blessed I am by that fact.

In other news... I think Kitty Cam time is coming around the corner. Last week the kitties finally started their morning ritual of running as fast as they can where ever they can and God help anyone that gets in their way phase. I thought at the time that this was probably a signal for the changing season. Yesterday was beautiful, this morning is so gorgeous I endured the pain of opening ALL of my windows, even knowing it's probably going to get too hot to leave them open and I'm going to have to close them all again. THAT'S how pretty this morning is! Before too long, I'll be complaining about the cold again. Fun!

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