Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September Is Here

Can't begin September without a little Earth, Wind and Fire so enjoy the song! I just changed it, so depending on when you read this, it may still be Chris Isaak until the change goes through. But you can't complain about Chris Isaak because... well... YUMMY! (Located conveniently in the sidebar on the right, if you didn't already know that.)

Our K-9 officer was given a brand new spiffy K-9 vehicle to carry around Nero. He's still figuring out all the buttons and sensors and what not. This is his first week with it... and Nero's first week with it as well. It is a Chevy Tahoe... not sure what year, but I think it's a 2010. It may be a lowly 2009 model, though. Nero has a built-in kennel in the back and the officer has a special button he can push that opens the door for Nero to get out, just in case. But it's been fun watching them play with it. Excuse me... it's been fun watching them TRAIN with it.

This morning about 0330 hours we stepped out front to take a break. It was SO quiet. The temperature was about 67, the breeze just barely moving the flag around at the fire department. I couldn't even hear a dog barking. It was so quiet I almost felt the need to whisper. The officer went to pop open Nero's special door so they could go patrol and when he popped the door open for Nero, the silence was shattered by this blaring, awful, loud, obnoxious alarm that was coming from the amplified horn area. I think I'm still a bit deaf from it. But oh, how I laughed as I watched the officer run to his truck and try to figure out how to turn off an alarm he didn't even know he had. When he finally figured out how to turn it off I think ever dog in that city was barking. After I was done laughing, I said, "Wow, D... way to spoil the moment." No... scratch that. I'm still laughing. But he did totally spoil the quiet moment.

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