Saturday, September 19, 2009

Compression Socks - Day 2

I was able to keep the silly things on till about 4am at work. I had developed a crease in both ankle areas which means they were not put on correctly and it started to get a bit painful. I was unable to adjust them due to the wonderful pain that has intensified and spread... again. There is no possible way I can get them on again until it lets up. BUT... for the time I DID have them on... OMG it's fantastic the difference just a day made. It's like I have real legs again and ankles. I have ankles!

Kitty Cam is up and down. Not sure if you noticed or cared. My computer has been a bit sick so until I can find out what's causing the problem it will be up and down intermittently. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. I know how disappointing it has been not being able to click and watch my dust balls grow. Maybe one day it can get it's very own designated computer. Just don't hold your breath on that one.

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