Monday, September 28, 2009

Another Pretty Day

Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful morning. A cool front is pushing through and the wind is up and the air is clean and cool. It's not a crisp morning, but it's beautiful all the same.

It's a morning to work in your flower gardens, if you have any. It amazes me that it's almost October and I spent zero time on any of my flower beds this year.

The last time I mowed I had a lady stop her car in the middle of the road and get out of her car and come over to me to ask if I would share my daffodil bulbs with her. She sees them come up each Spring. I gave her my phone number. She said it was that time of year to dig up the bulbs. I smiled and nodded and went back to mowing. I'm at a loss as to what to do now. It's not like I could tell her no, I'm not sharing. I'd LOVE to share them. The problem is... I've never dug up bulbs to store OR share. I like to call myself a naturalist gardener. That means, when I get the energy to actually plant something, it's staying in the ground forever and I sure hope it likes weeds and grass as neighbors. I don't mulch. I don't weed. I don't replant. What grows, grows naturally without any pruning. This year, I didn't even make an effort to water... anything.

So do I go out and dig some up myself after reading online about what to do with them once they are out of the ground? If she calls or comes by do I give her some sweeping arm action and tell her to go for it? Is there some sort of bulb etiquette? How many should she get? One or two? Or a half dozen or so?

There is a story to the yellow daffodils that are here. I just can't remember what it was. I would like to be able to pass this story on with the bulbs I share. On the East side of the front porch are some very dainty miniature white daffodils. I believe those are decedents of my grandmother's grandmother. I THINK. Again, I have forgotten and I hate, hate, hate this part of getting older. I do know, though... when I leave this place... I will be taking as many bulbs as I can with me.


Pamela said...

I'm a dahlia lover and I've been tempted to knock on neighbors' doors and ask if they'd like to share. But I'd fully expect to do the digging myself. Digging dahlias is miserable b/c you're supposed to wait until after there's been frost. You know: the coldest, wettest time of year. So I generally follow the naturalist path myself. I have never dug daffodil bulbs but my husband's Aunt dug them at his grandmother's farm so I have "heirloom" daffodils in my backyard.

Anonymous said...

Let her dig them up and 3 is a good number, magical "they" say.

gatofish said...

I'd do the digging for her. You never know, she might be the Crazy Bulb Lady and steal all of them. Plus, she came BACK to remind you of them, which means she's been thinking of them all this time.

I'd dig up 5-10 for her, depending on how many you have. If you have 20 plants, I'd give her just 5.