Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Can I Get A Big Fat Ahhhhhhh?

It's been consistently over a hundred degrees for so many days now I can't keep track. At 11pm at night it's been 95 degrees. This morning greeted me with a wonderful 71 degrees and I quickly opened all my windows to let in some fresh air and to hopefully air out this house that has been closed up for the last two months straight. It's nothing short of wonderful after so many hot days.

This cool front that came through is a reminder that the seasons will soon be changing again and I'm not so sure I'm ready for the cold, cold, cold, and that's almost hard for me to say after being so hot, hot, hot. I am, though, looking forward to the cheaper electric bills that cooler weather always brings.

Wow... I've been home for about an hour now and I've yet to break a sweat. It's almost like Fall is already here!

1 comment:

Jerrine said...