Friday, August 6, 2010


In my head there are pros and cons for not only moving, but for WHERE I'm thinking about moving. There are very few cons, none of which I can even think of now, and the pro side is full.

Making a life changing decision brings to front a whole new set of emotions. Top of the list is always uncertainty, "Am I making the right decision?". I've also come to realize a deep underlying fear of making future plans. Last time I looked towards the future, life turned around and shat on me.

But then there is the excitement. The butterflies of something new. The wanting of calling a place my own coming to fruition. It's terrifying and wondrous all at the same time. Surreal-ish.

Surprisingly, I'm not afraid of disappointment. I'm not sure if this is because I'm expecting it, or that I've grown old and wise and have become comfortable with life's little kicks in the ass.

I drove by the house I'm wanting to look at. Took a peek at the neighborhood and saw three older ladies out in their yards doing yard work. This went into the pro side.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
