Monday, December 3, 2007

10 Things That Disturb Me...

1. That white flaky milk crisp that forms in the area of the opening of a milk jug/carton/bottle.

2. Turning 40.

3. People who talk to themselves in public.

4. Those big black balls of burnt crap that develop at the top of the wick on a candle after burning it a while.

5. Being in a public restroom and listening to someone else pee.

6. The mall.

7. That one hair that grows from my collarbone that has no pigment and can only be seen in sunlight, at just the right angle, and only after it has grown to be about 3 inches long.

8. Guns.

9. My obsession with Roller Coaster Tycoon.

10. Quiting smoking.

1 comment:

XOXO said...


I hate, hate, HATE number 1 too!

But I like to poke at number 4.

And number 5 bothers me too. What I hate more though is when they're talking on a cell phone whilst peeing and I don't know it, and they say "hello" or whatever, and I think they're talking to me. Ugh.