Friday, December 7, 2007

Summer Days...

Are here again. Currently 83 degrees outside. I just got back from the store and I just put most everything up, and I had to sit down because I'm sweating my patooty off. Got my shorts on, summer shirt and my hair is braided and out of my face. I'm STILL hot. Sometime today I will have to lay down before going into work. This is going to require me to turn on the air conditioner since I can't stand being hot when I sleep. And I was so proud of my $45 electric bill this month!

This time change stuff is still messing with my head. This morning, my phone rings and I wake up and my clock says it's 730. I have no idea what day it is... if it's morning or night, if I was suppose to be at work... total confusion. Finally I remembered my son was needing to come by early in the morning to print some stuff off for before school and it was him that was calling. Then, when I did finally realize what day and time it was, I was still baffled that it was already Friday and that I had to go to work tonight. Got nothing done again on this weekend. No, I take that back... I DID go to the store. I've been needing to that for weeks now. I still don't feel I'm as stocked up as I would like to be, but every little step counts. So Merry Christmas to me, because that's what I'm getting myself this year. Groceries. It's just about 330pm and I still have the rest of the day to get a few things done before work week starts.

If you ever shop at Target and are in need of some bottled water, might I suggest Archer Farms Natural Spring Water. The water's source is listed as The Kisatchie Spring, Webster Parish, LA. I googled that. Couldn't find dittely squat on it. I found Kisatchie state park, but it's not located in Webster Parish. No where in all the stuff I just looked at did it make mention of any spring in the area. So this leads me to believe one of two things. It's either not a for real spring or it's not a famous one. Doesn't matter, really... I'm suggesting the water because its of a decent price and I really, really like the way it tastes. It goes down with no icky aftertaste and its refreshing. I use to drink Evian for EVER. This stuff has Evian beat by a mile as far as taste goes.

Looks like the kids are getting out of school. I am off to practice my Crazy Cat Lady existence by being a stereotypical crazy cat lady. I think I'll go dig randomly in my yard since the kids like to walk through it every day. Maybe I'll mumble loud enough to be heard by young ears about how "I just MUST find Mittens... I know I left her here the other day..." Then sharply turn around and ask the poor kid if he's seen Fluffy. Yeah... I think I need a new hobby now that I think about it...

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