Sunday, December 30, 2007

Today I am 40!

And with a loud drum roll, followed by a cymbal crash, please...

I'm 40. I am 40. I. Am. Forty. Years. Old. I know that saying it more doesn't make it any less true, but I'm still trying it on, so cut me some slack today.

Is being 40 twice as good as being 20? Don't know yet. When I turned 20, I was 6 months pregnant... don't have to worry bout that this year. When I was 20 I was married. No chance of that happening this year either. When I was 20 I had a son who was just about to turn 2 years old. Being 6 months pregnant, I wasn't skinny when I was 20. At 20, my marriage was long past the point of being over.

Now that I am 40. My children are grown and moved out of the house. I'm still not skinny. Gravity and gray hair are my worst nemesis. I never remarried. Still don't own my own home. I am not a grandmother. I have a job I like very much... working on my 14th year there. I have no retirement, though. (Loooooooooooooooong story) But I have no debt. I could pick up right now and leave and only owe utilities... and a good explanation to my kids why I'm leaving. But I'm not leaving. Not yet. This 40th year will be a year of changes. Of getting stuff done. On starting the rest of my life. Tonight at midnight, I will officially be a non-smoker. Tomorrows post should be entertaining, if I can muster up the jolly good cheer to even face my computer.

Being 40 for about 8 hours now, I am thankful for so many things. I'm thankful I lived to see 40 to see my children all grown up and adult-like, although they will always and forever be 3 in my eyes. I got to experience being an aunt, seeing my brothers marry well and I am thankful I still have my parents here with me along with my grandmother of almost 104.

I am happier than I was at 20. I am much, much, MUCH wiser. I've been up, I've been way down but for the most part, I can, at 40, look in the mirror and say I kind of like that gal. She's not so bad, really.

20 things about being 40.

1. I am more inclined to tell people to shut up.
2. Thinking about death is the new thinking about nothing much.
3. When my boss asks when I can get something done, I feel more free to say, "How 'bout never? Is never good for you?"
4. I am less certain about things then I use to be.
5. I argue with the TV. I always win.
6. It's hardly ever quiet enough.
7. It can be too quiet.
8. My joints are more accurate then the meteorologists.
9. There is nothing left to learn the hard way.
10. I can eat dinner at 4pm.
11. "I'm eating ice cream at 8am because I CAN!"
12. Me and Ms. Clairol are best friends.
13. I can finally sit in a room full of adults and understand the conversations now.
14. I now have a valid excuse for forgetting things.
15. I actually LIKE going to work.
16. Staying home is just more appealing then going out.
17. Naps are goooood.
18. I can never be too warm in the winter, or too cool in the summer.
19. I actually WANT to save money now.
20. I am going to die sooner then ever.

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