Sunday, December 9, 2007


I don't have a lot of friends. But maybe my definition of a friend is different than yours. Sure, there are a lot of folks out there that I generally like and enjoy the time that I do spend with them, but they don't really know me because, one, I haven't had a chance to really get to know them, or two, I like them okay and am cordial because that's just the right thing to do but I'm wary in sharing personal details about myself. All relationships are unique, whether it be a friendship, an intimate and or romantic relationship or even a business partnership. The common denominator in relationships is that they take work from both parties to survive time. Those that I consider my closest friends are there because they took the time to get to know me and understand me and gave of themselves as well. Plus they understand me enough to know that just because I don't call, doesn't mean I'm mad, or upset or anything like that. I'm just lazy when it comes to my friendships. I don't wanna do any work. Which, in turn, limits the number of people that stick around for the long run and love me just the way I am and know that I love them back. For example... I have a friend that lives in Reno, Nevada. She moved there... years ago. Can't remember how long ago. Many years. 6, 8, 10... something like that. We rarely ever talk on the phone. Maybe once every other year. But when we do... it's like a day hasn't gone by since the last time we talked. I will always consider her one of my best friends. It's a lifetime deal, no matter time or distance.

I actually think I had a point to this post, yet I've been sitting here for 15 minutes watching it rain and have totally lost my thought.

I think what I needed to say all around was... I had a very good opportunity to meet up with a group of real friends yesterday and I was unable to because of stupid financial reasons. It was just one of those things that hit at the wrong time. It made me very sad to miss seeing them, but I know in my heart another opportunity will arise. I may get ragged on for skipping out for a while, but that's okay. I know they love me for who I am and I love them all back.

12 hour shift today... 12 hour shift tomorrow...

21 days...

1 comment:

XOXO said...

You're absolutely right that you'll get ragged on not coming for a while! You should have heard us when we realized we all got the same text. :-)

Later, after everyone else had left, Dave, Mark, and I stood in the parking lot and caught up even more. Dave is looking for a wife! Mark suggested you! I pointed out that no, you'd probably text him on your wedding day and tell him something came up. :-)

Please know that we were all just kidding!! Because we love you to pieces!

I had a feeling that's why you didn't come. But you could have. You know anyone of us would have helped with the cost. And we would have done it with a smile, because it would have meant you would have been there!!

We're going to try to do it again soon. It was a blast. I understand completely why you didn't come, but I hope you can next time!

And I do appreciate the brutal honesty you left on my blog. I know I'll be able to make it. While writing that, I actually thought of you and knew I didn't really have room to complain. It just sucks getting to a point where things are going good, then you have crap that could ruin it looming over your head, you know?

Also, I feel I complain a lot about my relationship, but I promise you it's not as bad as it probably seems. I just tend to type the bad stuff more than the good stuff. That's just how I am. I have to vent or a really WILL get an ulcer. I'll try to get better though.

Anyway, I'll shut up now. Hope you're having a good day!

Why the 12-hour shifts?

Horray for the weather!