Monday, February 25, 2008

Need A Head Count!

When I had someone else living with me, I often did a head count of the kitties to make sure no one had escaped. Usually at bedtime or before I left for work. I have two that like to walk right out the door with you. Since I live alone, I don't practice this very often. Usually they all will hang out with me during the times I'm home and all of them greet me when I come in. And when I leave, I'm very careful about watching behind me to make sure no one gets out to go on holiday.

Last night when I left for work, the two that normally try to leave with me, or more accurately, try to get me to NOT leave, were absent as I walked out the door. I didn't think much of this because on occasion they will freely let me leave without much ado.

When I walked in this morning, all of them were there to greet me except Libby. Libby is ALWAYS there to greet me. She will set up in a window waiting for my car to pull into the drive and by the time I get out and in the house, she's right there at the door waiting to go out on the back porch. I was instantly worried. So I set about looking for her.

After not succeeding in finding her the first go around (my house is not that big), I sat on my bed to change clothes because I was wearing a very heavy sweater and sweating profusely, when I heard a tiny mew coming from somewhere in my room. And then I saw her paw... coming out from my mostly closed closet door. Closed enough where she couldn't get out. I rescued her, held her firmly and petted and talked to her and hugged her and told her how sorry I was. When she was able to get free from my guilty arms, she ran straight to the cat box.


I will be doing head counts nightly from now on.

In other cat news... Cricket seems to think that any doorway and any window treatment, is a place to get on top of. Sad part is, she's convinced Libby that this is fun, so Libby is right behind her doing the same things. My kitchen window curtain rods have been knocked down multiple times, the bathroom curtain rod for the window the same. My bedroom, my new bedroom and of course the living room which I was able to capture and post not too long ago. This is what I found when I heard a loud crash as I started this blog:


I tried to run back and get my camera to catch her up on top of the windows, but she jumped down before I could make it back. This cat craves heights like no other cat I have owned before her. I think she thinks her name is really Get Down Now. Good news is, I ordered my cat tree last Friday. I should get it sometime this week. I'm hoping with all that I have in me, that this will satisfy her need to climb up on something and deter her from climbing on things she shouldn't. The last time she jumped up on the bathroom window, she fell in the toilet. She hasn't been up on that window since. If the cat tree doesn't work, I might have to revert back to a spray bottle which I haven't used since trying to break Spazz of clawing my mattress at 3am to wake me up. Which he doesn't do any more, by the way.

It's suppose to be 80 degrees today. In February!


Jerrine Absher said...

If you need help with the tree lemme know. Crazy cats!

kryston said...

man, i bet she was glad to experience libby-ration. hah, get it? liberation, but her name is libby? ah hah hah.

i gots a blog now too :)
your daughter.

XOXO said...

Poor Libby!

Did she act like she had been beaten and neglected when you discovered her? We accidentally locked Holly in the bathroom last weekend for a few hours and when I finally opened the door to find her, you would have thought we had been abusing her for years. She looked at us like we were the worst people in the world!

(I hate Texas weather!)