Friday, February 1, 2008


Got some things accomplished these last couple of days. Got my daughter's room cleaned out and I will be cleaning the carpet in there when the sun comes up. I've decided to make that room my new bedroom. The closet is much bigger (not that I have tons of clothes to put in there) and it's the only room in the house in which I've painted. The only problem is that none of my bed linens match the color scheme in there and it's the sunniest room in the house and for someone who works midnight shift, some darkening ideas will need to be done as well. Seeing as how I'm not into foil on my windows, I'm looking into some special shades. I've lived with maroon and dark blue for so many years I'll be glad for the change. I'll be changing to a very light sea mist green with dark brown. It will be fun to do and decorating a room is always so therapeutic for me. Seriously... when I grow up I want to be an interior designer. I would like to chronicle the re-do. If I can remember to take pictures I will post them.

I got woke up this morning at 0230 to a coyote howling outside my window. Well... I don't think he was right outside my window, but he was definitely no farther away then across the street. It was loud. Normally, I always have at least one light on overnight and it's usually either the florescent desk light, or one of the florescent lights under my kitchen cabinets. Last night, for some reason, I decided to turn them all off for the night and right after Lost (which was yummy, by the way) I went to bed. I were tired. So I get woke up by this howl and my entire house was really dark and it was just kind of creepy. So it's now about 0530 and I've had two cups of coffee, a shower and I'm done with all my email and I'm almost done with my blog post and I'm starving. I really need to go to the store this morning before I do anything. I would love a big bowl of oatmeal this morning yet I have no oatmeal to make. And a cup of hot chocolate to go with it.

Its 29 degrees outside.


Jerrine Absher said...

What is Poductivity? Perhaps the activity of ducts that are financially challenged?

La La said...

HAHAHA! Thanks for clearing that up. Thanks for SLOWLY explaining your response and making me read and re-read and yet re-read again. I think I won't correct my spelling. It's funny.