Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Why My Cat's Are Special - Libertine

I got Libby the second day I was back at work at my old job... the job I'm working at now.

Libby was barely two weeks old and she had just opened her eyes when I met her. Our Animal Control officer saw a sucker and brought her in. I had always wanted a Calico cat and Libby, even at such a young age, had such a sweet personality. She still does.

I bottle fed her for about two months which I had never done before, but she took to it very well and ate heartily. It was probably the sweetest thing I have ever seen. It was a bit more responsibility then what I've been use to with kittens, but it was well worth it in the end.

Libby LOVES to play! With the other kitties, with me, with just about anyone. Her favorite game to play, even now, is when I hide behind a corner and peek around it slowly. She chirps at me when I do this. When I take my head away and hide some more, she covers the distance as quick as possible to jump out at me when she gets close enough. It's like playing red light, green light with her. When I peek around the corner again, she'll have stealthily traveled across the room while I was hiding and wait for my head to peek around again. This goes on until she covers the entire room and at the end of the game she gets to jump out at me. My daughter use to play this with her constantly and she absolutely loves this game.

Libby is a door bolter. When exiting the house, you have to watch out because she's got her timing just right as the door swings open to follow you out. She's never run away when she's gotten out. She just wants out to eat the grass. Which is why often times in the Spring and Summer I'll grab a handful and sprinkle it on the back porch for ALL the kitties to enjoy as I come in from outside. She tries her best on a nightly basis to get me to stay home. She'll run out the back door onto the back porch and when I go to pick her up to take her back in, she runs away from me.

Libby is your typical "you'll pet me when I want to be petted" cat. We have our special time when I go to bed in the morning and at night if I'm off work. Once she gets her pet time in, she will usually find a place on the bed and settle down, but more times then not,she's gone when I wake up.

As I mentioned in the previous post, she knows what time I'm suppose to be home and will find a way into a window where she'll wait for my car to pull in.

She does NOT like me to take showers. It's not so bad since I've had to replace my shower curtain liner after Cricket thought jumping up on the liner and shredding it was a fun game. I replaced the liner with a clear one and she's able to see me while I'm taking a shower now and this seems to be okay with her. Afterwards, she sniffs me to make sure I got clean.

Libby is a small cat, compared to my big boys. But she's beautiful and has a beautiful personality. She was overjoyed when I brought Cricket home (after the initial being pissed off because she was no longer the baby) because her and Cricket will play run and chase until they collapse from exhaustion. She likes to chase Jynxy around, too, which on rare occasions he actually likes. Usually he runs and hides which is quite funny since he outweighs her by about 20 pounds.

She does NOT like to be locked in closets. She likes to lick my toothbrush as I'm brushing my teeth. She has a special routine that she goes through before she's able to drink water. Anyone watch Everybody Loves Raymond? You know how the brother, Robert, always has to touch his chin with his food before he eats it? It's kind of like that, but it's funnier. If Santa ever brings me a digital video camera, I'll show you how funny it is.


kryston said...

after you talk about cricket....THEN who's next?

kryston said...


go here.